Kyle Seagraves [Mortgage Experience]

Kyle Seagraves – Founder and Certified Mortgage Advisor on Win The House You Love

Kyle talks about:

  • How creating 1,000 videos a year improved the Customer Experience
  • Why this removed the unknowns and what-ifs
  • Why it’s important to disrupt the flow of information when educating customers

The book that has influenced Kyle the most in the past year:  

It’s Not Always Depression: Working the Change Triangle to Listen to the Body, Discover Core Emotions, and Connect to Your Authentic Self by Hillary Jacobs Hendel: 

His note to all CX professionals:

“Take a 10-minute break in silence. People are so used to doing the next thing, and overcoming problems, and not having a lot of time to sit and allow them to hear what our body is telling us. A lot of wisdom happens in the silence…”

Nick Glimsdahl 0:02
Welcome to the Press 1 For Nick podcast. My name is Nick Glimsdahl. My guest this week is Kyle Seagraves. Kyle is the founder and certified mortgage advisor on win the house you love, where you can find on YouTube. And we’re all podcasts are playing. It’s all about helping people turn their home buying stress into the home buying piece. Welcome to the podcast, Kyle.

Kyle Seagraves 0:24
I’m glad to be here.

Nick Glimsdahl 0:26
Yeah, you bet. So I found your your your but your YouTube page. And obviously I was creeping a little bit on this guy named Myles beckler. And you were you’re looking at our you’re on his video as well. And you started talking about just finding ways to disrupt information. And all of a sudden, I was like, Oh, this is interesting. And the more I kind of was leaning into your stuff, the more I got excited about it. And I was like, man, I gotta get this guy on the podcast and have him start talking about the customer experience on the real estate side. So before we get started, I ask every single guest one question. The first question is, what’s one thing people might not know about you? Hmm, that is a tough question. One thing that people don’t know about me

Kyle Seagraves 1:20
honestly, probably that I am a pretty, I like to joke around a lot.

And it doesn’t come across super clearly in my work personality. So like, a lot of what I do on video, you know, when you’re talking about real estate mortgages, there’s only so much in there that you can have a humor element and joke about but at the same time also give across very detailed information and clearly. So I think that surprises people a lot that I know they see one person on a video, but I usually am a little bit more lighthearted outside of the video pretty well, too.

Nick Glimsdahl 1:56
So so a jokester on the outside.

In straight, certified mortgage advisor professional, you’re like, you’re like Superman, do they switch switch modes a little bit?

Just go into a quick phone booth and change. Yeah.

It’s funny. So back to what you did. So certified mortgage advisor, you started out as a mortgage originator, correct.

Kyle Seagraves

Right. Yeah.

And then you started realizing that you started making videos for your, for your customers? Can you walk through that process? Sure. Yeah. So I used to work as a loan originator, so helping people get mortgages, and I was just running into an issue where, you know, someone asked me, Hey, what’s an appraisal? After the 100th time of answering what an appraisal is, you start to become a little bit tired of the question. And so I was trying to think, Okay, how can I help give this information to my clients before they even have the question itself? And so I just started making a collection of videos for my clients, like, What’s an appraisal? How do you understand what a loan estimate is how property taxes, work, all those kinds of things, so that we wouldn’t have to spend as much time on the phone, and they could get more information than if they called me. So a place that I can direct them to, here’s all the information that you need to know. And then over time that started growing were a bigger group of people than just my clients were seeing those videos. And that’s kind of where some of the traction on YouTube started. Where it was more than just again, my clients looking at those videos, it was a lot of other people who had those same questions, and we’re looking for that same type of information. And that has kind of snowballed into YouTube kind of being its own thing there to help people learn about the home buying process.

Kyle Seagraves 3:47
Yeah. And so bringing it back to the beginning there, you kind of said,

there was so many questions that needed to be answered that people kept going back to the, you know, where am I at here on page six of this is my issue. Where do I sign? Am I am I calculating this? Right? And so you went through that process, heard what the customer was saying, took that feedback and said, I’m going to find ways, selfishly, maybe at the beginning to find ways to create a better experience for my customers, which reduced effort on my side, happenstance, right, it’s more about, it’s about the customer. It’s about solving the problem for them and giving them that peace of mind because the more peace of mind that they have, the less time that they’re going to have that white space, or the gray space where they’re like, oh, Kyle, I need help. I’m going to pick up the phone and then we’re going to spend the next hour walking through this pain point. Yeah. So walking through each of those stuff, the steps, is there different steps in that process? Or were you just creating one video or what does that video process look like? Yeah, really, it was just I feel like anytime I’d run into a

Like a pain point or question that a client had, I would just write it down in ideas list. And then I pretty much just sit down. And my goal is, is make as many videos, you know, answering those questions as much as I could. So that was really that my process and kind of the process now is just identify what are the questions that people have? What are some of the pain points that they have? And what can I do? Like, what what would that phone call look like? If somebody had that question, and they called me, and I was walking them through those steps, it’s pretty much what I do on the videos, I would just walk through what we would talk on the phone about, you know, obviously, there’s not a back and forth about questions and things like that. So you’re kind of assuming and you’re saying, hey, if you have this scenario, and that kind of thing, but that was that’s primarily just my process for coming up with topics and what I was doing to create videos in the first place.

Yes, you from my understanding is you created like 1000 plus videos, before you ever created this YouTube page, where you’re now informing and adding value to others outside of your, your kind of clientele. Right. Right. So I used to do a lot of personalized videos through Bom Bom, which is like a kind of a one on one video software. So yeah, I would use that for my clients of like, you know, if I,

if it was someone I’ve never talked to before, I’d send them a video and be like, hey, Nick, my name is Kyle, this is kind of what I do. This is how I can help you let me know when you’re free, something like that, or as they’re going through the process, I’d have different milestones, which I would send them a video. And I would do that kind of in in place of a phone call. Because what I started to recognize is through the mortgage process, there were several times at which we were having I was having a phone call with a client. And that phone call would kind of turn into something that was like 30 minutes to an hour long. And that starts to kind of eat it your day a little bit. So what I recognize is like, there were a lot of points in which I could actually record a five minute video, send it to the client. And not only did it work better for my schedule, but also work better for their schedule, too, right, because not everyone has the time to go get on the phone call. And information gets lost over a phone call, especially with something that’s financial and so emotional, is we often don’t listen as maybe as clearly as we, we should be able to, it’s hard to retain all that financial information and understanding what’s happening next in the process. And a video I found it really helps take this complex information to a spot where it’s concise, people can watch it over again if they need to. And the information is given to them a lot quicker than it would be on something like a phone call. And so I was replacing multiple steps through the process where it was going to be a an emotional conversation that would have taken an hour long to five minutes. Building trust with a client and helping them understand the process a lot easier. A good example of that is like when someone goes under contracts, they get a loan estimate that details, you know what their monthly payment is, and then all the closing costs as well. And so before I used to, I could send the loan estimate, and I could almost time it on my phone and see like I know in 20 minutes that John’s gonna call me. And John’s gonna do all this mental math gymnastics to arrive at some number that’s not actually there on the paper. And he’s gonna be upset. He’s like, I didn’t know it was 90,000 you told me was 23 or something. Because they’re doing all sorts of weird addition because it’s a hard document to understand. And so instead of having that erosion of trust, and then you know, because even at the end of the phone call, it’s if john and i are on the same page and we he understands and everything’s back to what he expected. There still is like trust that got eroded in that process. And there’s all this extra time that we didn’t really need to spend because if the information was delivered accurately, or clearly the first time and so I started realizing like I can record a five minute video walking through that statement on screen with a screen recording send it over save the phone call trust is actually built instead of eroded and it’s just a much smoother process for people going through that So yeah, I would normally in a year recorded about 1000 of those personalized videos and then that’s when I started moving into Okay, maybe I can spend less time I can make some more videos that apply to more people and make less of them than doing every single video be personalized

Nick Glimsdahl 9:30
The thing that I think is crazy for one I think it’s awesome that you you took the time to do those 1000 videos like that’s that’s a boatload of videos and I know that it does, it seems daunting to most people however you’re actually saving time doing that. Yes, you’re not spending all the time you know pounding the keyboard and or on the phone back and forth. It still seems daunting. And because you are face to face, what happens if I screw something up what happens if I say something wrong or say to any ours, or, you know, my, my dog walks in the background and barks at a at a cat going by, like there’s all these what ifs, but it doesn’t really matter, right? Because at the end of the day, we’re humans doing business with humans. And they just want their problem fixed in the least amount of effort, even though it might not be perfect.

Kyle Seagraves 10:20
Right, right. Yeah. I can think of like, without, like, when I was in high school, I remember I was in a speech class. And my teacher would always she had a tally mark on the top of the paper for anytime you said that a filler word like whatever. And I would always get my migrate back. And I was always frustrated, because everything would be great. All the criteria was great, except for filler words. And the top of my paper was just littered with tally marks. And I would always just be like, so irritated and be like I but this is a good presentation, who cares about the hums and ahhs. And it’s funny, because it’s like, my videos. Now, that’s just my natural pattern of language. And there are there are actually quite a few studies about things like these filler words, where they don’t have really much of an impact on the way that the language or the way that the message is being received by somebody else. The message is almost always received by how clearly are we communicating an idea, and not necessarily the Polish around everything else? It doesn’t really matter for, you know, how well you have this, this presentation voice or though the method that you speak or the tone that you speak? And it’s what what story are you are you telling? And what problems are you solving? If you can communicate that clearly? Then you’re going to help people Because ultimately, it’s about what is your is your content? Is your communication, helping somebody overcome a problem? And if that’s the case, then people are going to be drawn to you. Not necessarily if you are a great communicator, no one’s expecting you to give a presidential speech.

Nick Glimsdahl 12:03
Right? You have all of these teleprompters around you hoping that pause, smile, look at the audience. It’s, it’s I am, I’m a human and I’m going to screw up and but at the end of the day, I’m trying to solve your problem improve your your customer experience, right? So even though it wasn’t perfect, which is okay. You actually had a pretty impressive success rate of, of landing deals, be it in my from my perspective was due to these videos that you’re putting out in the trust that you were replacing from the what ifs that they were, what they were placing with everybody else that they were putting as a quote or as other mortgage originators. Right.

Kyle Seagraves 12:47
Yeah, I feel like the videos helped me stand out a ton. Because I, you know, I think it’s part because of the video. And then part of recognizing the problems that people were facing. I think in a lot of industries, people get so focused on the work that they forget to acknowledge that there’s a human being experiencing a problem experiencing emotions on the other side. And so it’s not necessarily I don’t want to sit here and be like, video is the golden key, I think it’s both things, it’s recognizing the problem. And then understanding video helps aid in that solution. And so I think it was both of those things. But through video, I was able to help communicate, like, Hey, I understand what you’re going through. And that’s why I’m doing this is to help you through that problem. And so that made me stand out just, you know, miles above other originators, who had been doing this, you know, who have been originating for as long as I’ve been alive. You know. And I, I think I told you this, when we first talked like, once I started doing a video, there’s only three instances that I know of where I actually lost a client to somebody else, which is in the mortgage world, pretty crazy. Because most of the time in, and for loan officers, you’re used to having your quotes compared to other people. And then really, it’s like, whoever has the lowest rate wins. And

Nick Glimsdahl 14:11
right most of the race to the bottom not to the race of the most originators

Kyle Seagraves 14:14
are used to their client work with somebody else. And what would happen is I would send a quote, you know, for instance, I got sent a quote to you, Nick, and have this, you know, five to 10 minute video showing you a quote, break down the total cost all the ins and outs of your loans here than that, here’s the next step. I understand what you’re going through. And another loan officer would just send an email and be like, okay, your rates 3% neck, and I’m like, Alright, but like, what’s next? And what are the costs and what I exposed everything that they should be understanding through the process before they even knew that they had those questions or concerns, compared to somebody else was just giving them just the bare minimum of what they were looking for. And so I really do, I think it’s both of those is that recognition of, hey, the videos is a helpful component. But the point of the video is just a method of communication to help somebody recognize, I understand what you’re going through. And not just as, like a nice platitude, but as a, I know the problem that you’re facing, and I have solutions for it. So you can move forward through this as easily and as stress free as possible.

Nick Glimsdahl 15:19
You understood the the pain points in the breaks that happen as a consumer, and you expose them. And as somebody else who was, as a consumer, the best thing that I want to happen is to go through a problem, have somebody walk me through a process in, in the the pace or channel that I want, and solve it my problem or talk to me in the in the, in the least amount of effort. And I think with you, you you are differentiated yourself. And I love the fact that everybody else is saying, Hey, your, your percentage is going to be 3%. And they went on to the next thing. They didn’t and and you’re like, well, Kyle said this, he said my percentage, he said my timeline, he walked in and created a video for me. And by the way, he’s now creating additional videos in case I have other other pain points that I haven’t even thought of you’re removing barriers, and walking them through as a guide to this loan, that is the biggest decision of their life potentially. And you’re basically this guy that says, Hey, I got this easy process come along with me on the journey, and I’ll show you how to get through it. Right. Yeah, and I love that process. Because being a guide for people on the journey as a consumer, when everybody else is showing them, hey, you’re gonna go through this jungle in this jungle is going to be really crazy. And there’s going to be some poisonous snakes. And, you know, here, here’s a, here’s a little plastic knife. Best of luck. Yeah. And you’re saying, I’m going along on this journey with you. And here’s the process, here’s the steps you take, it’s just completely

Kyle Seagraves 17:05
different very, very much as the kind of like, your remote with like, Donald Miller story brand shift of going from the hero to the guide. Because especially in the mortgage world, most people are used to that the marketing advertising, it’s like, the lender pitches themselves as the hero, I have the lowest rate the best service the fastest, whatever. And the difference is switching from like, another that that matters. But like, that’s doesn’t resonate as much compared to understand the problem that you’re going through, and you’re probably concerned about this, here’s what we’re gonna do to create a plan to get you to where you want to go very much is the, hey, I’m gonna guide, I’m gonna walk you through this, so that you can feel like, this isn’t as overwhelming as you may have thought it would be. Otherwise, when the lender is the hero, and the client is also the hero of their own story. They’re competing against each other to see, you know, who is who is actually running the story who’s actually going to have the success here at the end? Is it going to be my success as the client getting the home that I want? Or is it going to be the lender success of just closing a deal? And those to compete with each other and add in some friction into those conversations?

Nick Glimsdahl 18:19
Yeah, I love it. So as, as one person doing all of this and creating 1000 videos, it’s hard to scale that it’s hard to go from 1000 to 2000 to 5000. And you’re like, I’m either getting way overwhelmed, and I’m working 24 by seven, or I’m just going to stay with where I’m at. And I’m happy with where I’m at. But you saw a different way to approach it. So what happened next?

Kyle Seagraves 18:46
Yeah, I feel like the, it was kind of more incidental than intentional. Because it was just, I was making videos again, for my clients, just kind of as a library, and then YouTube all sudden just started ranking these videos. So way more people started watching some of these YouTube videos. So the views were going from like 10 views to maybe 100 or 1000. They just started growing. And that’s when I started kind of having a little bit of an idea like, oh, more people or you know, if 1000 people watching this video, I know I didn’t send it to 1000 people. Yeah, so maybe more people are watching this, and maybe I could pour some energy into helping those people as well. People who were not my clients, and seeing you know, clearly people, you know, if my clients have these questions and these problems, and are looking for this type of solution, I’m sure there are also a lot more people who are looking for the same thing. And so I just kind of used use some of that as a clue to see like, Oh, this is kind of where I can go next. And adding that scalability of like I can only help with certain amount of people. I only have so much time in the day. But recognizing like, Oh, I can do stuff here on YouTube, and actually help a lot more people than I could if I was doing everything individually. And so that’s where I put it started putting more energy and time into trying to create videos that would help as many people as possible. So on the YouTube site, I think I’m only up to about 270 videos. So hopefully it will reach 1000 soon, but yeah, those videos are much more a lot more work than the Yeah, the you know, the 32nd to a minute long, personalized videos.

Nick Glimsdahl 20:34
Yeah, you don’t you put it you can tell that you put a ton of quality time and invest on the front end prior to you just kind of winging it and saying, hey, let me do a side by side of your contract and or looking down recording yourself and saying, hey, on page 26, this is where you’re going to do it. Here’s how you add up these three items to calculate your total monthly cost, whatever that is. It’s, it’s you’re saying? You’re actually looking at the feedback and comments from people from your previous videos, you look at YouTube and Google and say, Hey, what are people actually searching for? So I love that you’re investing into it and kind of reverse engineering the video back from what people are actually seeking. It’s not and then you’re you’re putting the quality into it, you’re you’re doing, you know, it looks look solid, and the quality is great. And I think that’s why people keep coming back. But what made you start kind of going back, and instead of just saying, Hey, my name is Kyle, and and I’m like everybody else, and we’re Let me tell you about the FHA loan, but actually doing feedback research, and then, you know, reverse engineering. How’d you go through that

Kyle Seagraves 21:50
process? Yeah, cuz I think a lot of people do that. They look into scaling. Or they look at even just doing YouTube in general or any other platform, and they immediately go into sales. And they try to figure out, like, how can I just pitch myself. And to me, that wasn’t like an interesting problem. The problem of me getting more business was not very interesting to me. And for some people, that is their, that’s what they’re interested in. For me, there was like, a bigger, a bigger problem that I recognized when I was originating, that there are so many buyers going through this process of getting a loan buying a house, and they just don’t know where to get information, there’s not a good source of information. And most of the information has like a sales orientation behind it, the information is there so that they can get pitched into a funnel or some sort of closing process. And that’s when I kind of had this idea like, it be interesting to instead of trying to be, you know, pitching who I am, and I do this for you and try to sell myself on my services, is just saying, what would it be like if I was like the advocate for homebuyers looking to get a mortgage? To me, that was a much more interesting problem to tackle, and a much more interesting solution than how do I get more sales? And so that’s what I’ve been really kind of pushing into is figuring out like, how do I, what does an advocate for home buyers look like? And it’s certainly not somebody who’s gonna sit there and just try to sell people into products, because that’s not advocacy. So that’s what I’ve been really trying to focus on and shift the perspective of, it’s not really focusing on sales anymore. It’s more of just what can I do to be there to support buyers as much as I possibly can. And the first way that you support somebody is by being able to listen to what their problems are, and recognizing, okay, well, how can I help with that problem? By using information that’s not going to try to sell you into something? Because the solution is not work with me. The solution is actually independent of me, and should be able to work for hundreds of 1000s of people without my direct intervention.

Nick Glimsdahl 24:10
Yeah, and so you do this full time now today? Yeah. Yeah, I love that, that you can constantly be the educator, the non schmooze II, value added resource that people can go to where they’re getting sold to all day. Yeah. And in all of these industries, and you get to be the one person throughout the day where they’re like, hey, let me search for how do I get a, you know, what type of what type of benefits do I get if I find if I’m a veteran, or if I’m a first time homebuyer or you know, fill in the blank and they come up to your video and they almost kind of they The first thing that I would do is, you know, kind of lean in a little bit and say, is this guy full of it or not like Is he trying to sell me something in the first five seconds, 10 seconds a minute. And the more that I listened to your content, the more it is constantly value add. And then it’s the same thing in customer service. Like when somebody actually listens to what you say, and helps you. The first thing you do is like, this guy is here. For me, this guy actually wants what’s best for me. And isn’t trying to just say, I’m sorry to hear about your problem. But due to protocol, we can help Sure, like, thing I want you to do is solve, I want you to solve my problem. I don’t want you to try to upsell me or cross sell me or do anything else. And so it’s refreshing to get to people and educators like yourself to be a way to add value in the space. Yeah,

Kyle Seagraves 25:46
I it’s always it’s funny when I sometimes will go on like, like a podcast like this, for instance. And someone was like, Okay, do you have like anything to, you know, like a product or anything that you want to like pitch or something? No. Like, almost feel bad that like, I don’t, I don’t have anything to sell. Sorry. Maybe I shouldn’t. But

Nick Glimsdahl 26:07
yeah, at this time now. But the question I have for you, though, is if you can go back and tell yourself something when you first got started, what what, what would you say to yourself, two to three years ago, that you wish you knew, then

Kyle Seagraves 26:22
I think the biggest thing that would have been helpful is


I want to say perseverance. But you know, that kind of sounds like a little little cliche, really just being able to recognize, like, hey, it works like showing up repeatedly, and helping people with their problem over a long period of time works. Because the first year of doing videos, you know, it’s kind of, again, more focused on my clients. I wasn’t like pushing into doing YouTube stuff. But I know that through that I was cut, I kind of got like a little, you know, dip the toe in the water thing, like we’ll see if this works, but I don’t want to spend too much energy on it. And I wish I would have been able to go back and say like, hey, I’d like to take the reservation out of it. Don’t be reserved about this, like at the same time, don’t Don’t, don’t kill yourself, making videos every single day, and not taking a break. But if you keep doing the things repeatedly over and over and over again, it’s going to create results for you. And so I think about like first year, if I was a little bit more committed into instead of kind of dipping the toe in the water, I’m sure I would see probably even more growth than what’s at what’s that where it’s at right now. And so I think that’s the biggest thing that I would would look at is, you know, especially for people listening to is like you’re seeing, you probably see the same thing over and over again, that’s people who said they solved a problem, they showed up. And they did that over a period of time. And it worked out for them. And so we keep seeing these clues of what’s working. But we want to be our brains are so attracted to like the little shiny object and like, just give me the trick. But it’s like there is no trick the tricks in front of you the entire time. And it’s just to keep showing up and keep doing the thing. And over a long period of time, it’s going to start generating results. And so I wish that clicked a little bit more before and so what was helpful for me is like seeing somebody like Myles beckler show, like his results of hey, yeah, I mean, 100 videos, and I only have 100 subscribers, but I’m gonna keep plugging away. And now he’s, uh, I don’t know, 180,000 or somewhere around there. Yeah, I think that is the main thing that I wish I had a little bit more of. And it’s always helpful to keep reminding yourself of that. But it’s not fun to talk about. And everyone wants to talk about the hacks and the strategies and the tricks. And it was just, like, just show up and help people over a long period of time in any, any industry, any platform. And that is going to create results that you’re looking for.

Nick Glimsdahl 28:57
Yeah, sound advice it? I love the fact that you said there’s no easy button, there’s no, you can’t just walk around with that little red button, you know, find an issue, find a problem to hit loop, like, I’m good. I solved this problem. And now I’m now I now have 180,000 subscribers and I’m kicking butt and taking names. It’s, it takes work. And and I would say it takes a focus to work. Because I think you could put 100 videos out you could put 200 videos out and people still wouldn’t follow you. Because you’re not putting out the quality or because you’re not putting up the things that people are searching for. Or that they’re that they’re seeking that they’ve asked for. And where you constantly go back into the comments section in the feedback and say I’d really wish I love this video. However I really wish they would you would do this video and you’re like, Uh huh, yeah, I got something here. Let me go back and do it. It’s it’s all about customer service and customer experience. Like how do you continue to listen and do a feedback loop? From what the customer is saying, and try to solve their problem in the channel of their choice. And so I love the fact that there’s no, there’s no easy button you if you want, if you want a fast food meal, I don’t know why I’m thinking. But if you want a fast food meal, just drive through McDonald’s and get the big mac and hit them the number one, and you’re going to get the fast food quality, it actually takes effort to go to a five star restaurant, order off the menu and have them cook it sometimes in front of you that they’ve had 30 years of experience doing. Yeah, and the quality is completely different.

Kyle Seagraves 30:36
And even though it took 30 minutes to make the meal, there was a lot more practice to be able to make a good meal in 30 minutes, which a lot of people don’t see like, for instance, you know, took, it took probably two years worth of making videos before we saw like meaningful results on my channel. Like I think I made videos for a year and a half before I hit 100 subscribers. And that’s why I think if you if you don’t care about your audience and their problem, I would suggest finding another thing to focus on because you have to be able to be there not necessarily for the result, if you’re just sitting there, say I want to have a channel that makes X amount of money and has this amount of subscribers and whatever, then you’re probably not going to succeed. Of course, there are those outliers every once in a while. But for the majority of people, it’s just not, you’re not going to be able to stick with it, I think you have to find something that you enjoy. You like helping these people with these kinds of problems, to be able to stick with it long enough to see the results that you’re looking for.

Nick Glimsdahl 31:37
Yeah, well, well said. So I wrap up every podcast with two questions. And the first question is what book or person has influenced you the most in the past year? And then the second one is, if you believe in no to all customer service, or all customer experience professionals, it’s good to hear everybody’s desk Monday at 8am voted say.

Kyle Seagraves 31:57
So book or person does it doesn’t have to be marketing business related. No,

Nick Glimsdahl 32:02
it can be any now you, I took those off for you, somebody who’s not an expert in customer service or customer experience, I’m not gonna put that on Google top 10 customer experience.

Kyle Seagraves 32:14
I don’t know that I know a ton of people in the customer experience world. This is not even business related. But a book called it’s not always depression by Hilary Jacobs handle is I think that’s how you center handle No, fantastic. Again, not related to business at all. But it is related to being more in alignment with yourself and with your emotions. And I think that that comes through business in a huge way. Because we’re not this isolated individual. Like we have a full role integrated, I think the more that we’re integrated and aligned with ourselves, the more that shows through in the work that we do, you know, quick example that is, you know, I try to bring like an element of like calm and some of those aspects like emotionality into the real estate process, and a lot of other, most people aren’t used to having emotions in real estate, right, emotions are always super high, but no one wants to talk about them. And so the more I discovered and explored my own emotions, I was like, well shoot, we’re gonna bring this into real estate. And, and that’s been that’s been really beneficial. One note, one note that I would leave for somebody else

Nick Glimsdahl 33:26
could be a sticky note, or it could be a 10 line. Oh, man,

Kyle Seagraves 33:31
I would hate to get a note like that with the note that I would give for somebody, I think right now would be to take like, a 10 minute break. Just like silence, because I think a lot of people don’t experience that, especially in work, we’re so used to doing the next thing and always accomplishing and overcoming problems. And there’s not a lot of time to actually sit and allow ourselves to hear, like what our body is telling us about what’s happening. And I think there’s a lot of wisdom that happens in silence, of being able to sit, allow ourselves to think about things that have happened to allow ourselves to feel the things that have happened. And then to make decisions after that moment. Instead of feeling like we always have to be reacting we always have to be act and take a moment for a break. super practical example. This is like, hey, before you get on a phone call with somebody, maybe you need to take like five minutes to be off your phone and go take a walk outside. It’s gonna make you a lot more present on that phone call than if you jumped from phone call to phone call or from email to problem to phone call. And just allows you to stay more connected in that moment that you’re at.

Nick Glimsdahl 34:50
I love that. I actually had a boss A long time ago. But every single meeting that we would have, it would be a walking meeting unless we needed to be in front of people. paper or a computer, but it was a very productive meeting. It got our minds thinking we got, we were probably more creative. And we solve more things in that little bit of time. And it was probably a 15 minute meeting. It was a brisk meeting, right? But we kick butt because we allowed ourselves to get outside of status quo and our horse blinders that we constantly are wearing all day. And so it was a great reminder. I hadn’t thought about that in a while. So it’s nice to be able to office. Yeah, the new task for me is to get out and actually do something or, or listen to something or take five minutes to to get outside of the screen. So highly recommend anybody who wants to go buy buy a house or thinking about a house or knowing somebody who wants to buy a house or knows how to spell house, that you go to Kyle’s YouTube page or on a podcast player in search for a win the house you love. Kyle, thanks so much. I really enjoyed this and wish you nothing but success.

Kyle Seagraves 36:04
Thanks, Nick. Appreciate it. Thank you for having me.


The Press 1 For Nick podcast is both educational and engaging, and each episode offers listeners a dynamic blend of insightful stories, best practices, and invaluable lessons.

Nick’s guests – each with a unique wealth of knowledge – include leaders from a variety of backgrounds and industries. Some of his guests include:

  • Customer service & customer experience leaders
  • A hostage negotiator
  • Award-winning authors
  • Home Depot’s Senior Director of Customer Care
  • Former VP of Disney’s Magic Kingdom
  • Lyft’s Head of Partner and Customer Engagement
  • Deputy Chief Veteran Experience Officer from the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs

On every episode Nick asks his guest two questions:

  1. What book or person has influenced you the most in the past year?
  2. If you could leave a note to all the Customer Service and CX professionals, what would it say?

You can find all the podcast guests’ answers under their episodes below.

If all you want is the guests’ book recommendations, you can go here.

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