Bronkar Lee – Keynote Speaker, Music Producer & Velocity Coach at Instrumental Humans [Customer Experience]

Bronkar talks about how he toured Europe as a Ring Master, the importance of rhythm, and how you need to put on your gratitude glasses. 

Nick Glimsdahl  0:05 

Welcome to the press one for Nick Podcast. I am Nick Glimsdahl. And my guest this week is brown car. Lee brown car is a keynote speaker, music producer and velocity coach at instrumental humans. Welcome to the press one for Nick podcast.

Bronkar Lee  0:20 

What’s up, brother? Good to be here.

Nick Glimsdahl  0:23 

Yeah, I am excited to get started. And I always try to find this little nugget that people might not know about my guests. And I was just kind of looking around. And it was easy to find all of these amazing things. So I’ll just random mention a few of them. So you toured Europe as a ringmaster and a Swiss circus. You’ve been a guest performer on The Tonight Show at Jay Jay Leno. You starred in a superbowl commercial. And you had a viral video with your two year old that got only 2 million or 200 million views. Those are kind of ridiculous.

Bronkar Lee  1:00 

Well, if you’re not me, yeah, it’s kind of weird, but it’s normal for me, I guess.

Nick Glimsdahl  1:04 

Yeah. That that is awesome. So out of those. What, what do people know you four out of out of just those? If you were to pick one, and if you were like oh no, I know that guy. He’s from the the two year old beat or dance and when you win a pizza,

Bronkar Lee  1:23 

yeah, there was Yeah, obviously the beat The beat boxing video guy. I mean, it was it went like super viral. And so yeah, I guess people started recognizing me at events. And that was actually before I shaved my head. So now it doesn’t happen like ever. Unless, you know, it’s in conversation, it comes up. But or if I enter if I do it if I like kind of recreate it, but I started getting people recognizing me at some keynotes and conferences and stuff. And, and that was kind of that was really, that was really bizarre. And I’ve never had that happen before because nobody knows. A ringmaster and a Swiss circus or even a superbowl commercial. Nobody recognizes you really. You know, but for this, it was like a three minute video. So it was like, they saw me a lot. It was really about my son, but in our connection, but I was, you know, I was the supporting the supporting actor in it. So

Nick Glimsdahl  2:15 

yeah, the coolest part and I recommend everybody go Go check the video out and just type in first, first and last name, you could just probably probably just type in the box. You probably might know the exact title. But the the coolest part is, yeah, you are beatboxing You almost got them prepped it warming him up to the vbox. And he his arm started going like Alright, here we go. I know this is coming. And then he just went crazy when the beatbox started. And then you stopped. And he was like, he stopped and then he looked back to you like, Alright, Dad, let’s go. What are you waiting for?

Bronkar Lee  2:51 

Yeah, well, I mean, you know, music is music is the force that binds everything in the galaxy. I mean, it really is. It’s like, you know, it’s it’s, it’s Obi Wan had it, you know what I mean? But it’s the way that we’re communicating right now is all about tempo, dynamics. Melody, so we can say the same thing. We can say the same thing. We can say the same thing, as far as the words and the articulation, the consonants and the vowels, but how we say them? What is the music behind it? It’s like I, I hear your words, but I feel your music. And so what’s that intention that goes on underneath there? And that’s so much of what, you know, customer services, and, you know, really, you know, serving the world and contributing and putting our energetic signatures on life is all about.

Nick Glimsdahl  3:45 

Yeah, I love that. You never really think of music in everyday conversation or interactions. So that’s a really cool way to think about it. You know, some of the things that you actually talk about in your keynotes, and, and, you know, consulting is health, well being and personal development. So why are those three important to you?

Bronkar Lee  4:10 

Yeah, great question. So why would say, you know, really health is I mean, that’s, that’s a real obvious one for everybody. But some so often, when we’re in leadership roles, you know, parenting roles, were just, you know, an overdrive, we’re constantly pushing out, we tend to forget about the self care, and the importance of, you know, keeping not only are our physical bodies in tune, right, we obviously when we think of health, a lot of times we think of Oh, what’s our nutritional intake, what’s our physical output, but more than that, what’s going on with the with the mind, how are we exercising the mind and aligning the mind. And so, keeping that personal health can oftentimes get put on the back burner, but it’s so critical to remember that and I I’d like to look at the analogy of under just under health specifically. The reason it’s so important is if you think of a symphony, if you’ve ever been to a symphony, the first thing that happens is the first chair violinist starts to play a note. And she or he is retuning their instrument getting back to a 440. Right, then the rest of the symphony starts to play along with their instruments, and they start to retune their instruments. And what they’re doing is they’re they’re retuning to get in tune together so that they can create harmony and then take us on a journey. The very first thing that happens every time is we tune ourselves or retune ourselves individually as musicians before we show up and connect. And the same thing must apply to us as human beings. And when we can start to see our bodies and our minds as instruments. Then we start to think about what type of tuning are we in? Are we running sharp and really tense and high strung? And maybe we need to decompress some? Or are we running flat, low energy, and we need to stimulate and elevate. And so we start to think about that. And then we think well, how often Am I retuning my instrument my body in my mind? am I waiting for a vacation that happens? Maybe once a year, twice a year? am I waiting for even the weekends where it’s happening once you know every every 567 days? Or can I be taking action on a daily basis, just like a professional musician returns their instrument every single day, every time they play? How can we also embody that. And as busy professionals, people in leadership roles influencers, parents, all of these types of things. We don’t have big chunks of time to say go to the gym, where it takes 30 minutes of prep, you know we have to drive 20 minutes in park and go in for an hour and do it. We don’t have two hours for that. But do we have two minutes here? Seven minutes there 12 minutes there to retune our instruments whether that is physical exertion or output, nutritional intake, or is it through mindfulness practice, thoughtfulness, practice, and, and meditation. And so that’s the big thing for me is reminding people including myself, that we need to retune our instruments as often as possible.

Nick Glimsdahl  7:20 

Yeah. So as a musician, you’re constantly tweaking and retuning to understand and to hear what sounds good, not just to you, but focusing on

Bronkar Lee  7:34 

your audience. Right? Absolutely. Everything is everything for me is about service with music. So all of the music that I create is all consciously engineered music to be used as a tool to enhance the quality of people’s lives. So everything that I create, compose, speak do in my life is designed to serve and add value to the world.

Nick Glimsdahl  7:59 

Yeah, and inside your, your setup that you have today. It’s amazing what is going on in the background, anything from electric guitars, sex, sex, some phones, according to the Simpsons, right? You know, and drums and everything, you got didgeridoos in the background, but you know, it’s really cool on the expansiveness that you have on keyboards, you know, you can you can beat box, you can do all sorts of stuff, but you can make it all sound like it’s supposed to be there. Because it’s purposeful, right?

Bronkar Lee  8:45 

Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it’s it. I mean, you know, I like to look at it as we’re, you know, not all of us are trained musicians in life as human beings. But we’re all hardwired for music. We’re all musical beings, our heartbeat and rhythm we we breathe in rhythm. We walk in rhythm, our conversation is all about rhythm. Right? Everything we do business in rhythm, we keep time and rhythm, we text in rhythm, we email in rhythm, we drive in rhythm, the way that airplanes work is, is musical and rhythmical, everything in life is music and rhythm. The differences for me is that I am a trained musician as well. So I kind of have learned some of the mathematical equations of Oh, this fits with this. And that fits with that. And so those coming together, I know the math and the science behind that. I also then feel it intuitively. And so, so that’s, you know, just understanding a bit more of the language behind it. But everything for me is, is designed not to, not to seek validation or worship as an artist, but to seek contribution service healing and helping and so every time I create music. I always I, before I play, I always do my my routine, my ritual, my warm up, just like you know with many things in life athletes do it. And, you know, before games and things I get in that that headspace of, alright, I’m here to help. I’m here to support. I’m here to serve. And once I do that, then I get out of my own way. And I’m not paralyzed by perfection, right? I’m focused on serving and ultimately giving a gift to a viewer or listener.

Nick Glimsdahl  10:33 

Yeah, yes. So you talked about serving and being in that mindset. And I think it comes back to personal development. So because we all have a goal where we want to go, or at least we should, and we have to realize how we need to get there. But why is it important to you that for my listeners, why should they focus on personal development?

Bronkar Lee  10:57 

Well, I mean, obviously, in the times that we’re in, right now, reinvention is essential, we’ve got to pivot or we’re not going to survive and thrive. And,

you know, I would say just, you know, for for the listeners out there, too. So I can create a bridge of relatability. With with everybody, you know, I have no idea what’s going on inside of the, you know, the individuals minds that are listening. But I know for me, when, when COVID first hit, for example, initially, we had hundreds of 1000s of dollars that just came off the table right away. And that was from live events, so conferences, keynotes, concerts, things like that everything was my entire business was designed for me to get on an airplane to go and do a presentation or a conference or performance, and receive a paycheck, and then I come home. And so all of that was wiped off of the calendar right away, that went away. And so in that moment, I experienced a lot of self doubt, confusion, fear, anxiety, frustration, which came out in the form of anger, and uncontrolled emotions. And in that there was one night in particular, that my wife, my incredible wife, who’s also my business partner, and my sanity, Goddess, Cindy was amazing. We were having a meeting. And we have, we have two young boys, we have a three year old and a five year old, and they’re very spirited and COVID, through all kinds of curveballs at parents as well, who had, you know, we’re sending their kids to school, you know, coupled with being entrepreneurs and in business together, it started to really have that, you know, that really combined effect, which had an exponential increase of, you know, the compound of intensity. So I was, we were having a business meeting at night. And I was just doing my thing, I was really frustrated, I was anxious, I was angry. And she was like, you’re so difficult to be around right? Now. She said, you’re just stuck in the muck. She said, Here, put these on. And she held up her hands like this. And I was like, What the heck are those? And she said, put them on their gratitude glasses, I want you to wear them. And I said, Okay, and so I’ve put these glasses on these pretend glasses with my hand over my eyes. And I was like, What do you want me to do now with my gratitude glasses? And she said, Look around. And as you look at your life, start to see the opportunity and the possibility, what’s here right now, what can you be grateful for right now? Because he I was so focused on what happened to me, I was in the victim mentality of this happened to me, it’s all about me. And this ruined everything. Now suddenly, with my ridiculous gratitude glasses on, I started to see the opportunity and the possibility, I started to see the opportunity to connect with my young boys, because I wasn’t on the road, 160 days a year, right? I was here with them. So how can I get to know them on a deeper level, so that I can learn from them help guide them and cultivate and nurture that relationship with them at a young age? And then I looked at my business and I thought, Okay, how can we reinvent? How can this be an opportunity right now to liberate ourselves to step into a new version of ourselves? And the same thing for for personal development? How can I now take this opportunity where I’m not on an airplane at a hotel and eating out and doing this all the time, to where I can actually focus on my physical health and my personal development, with learning new skills, and reinventing ourselves and ultimately, every skill that we acquire is a potential tool that we can use to build bridges of relatability to add more value to serve greater if we learn a new language, we can suddenly speak to more people, right if we learn a new technical skill We can suddenly create this magical thing, especially when it comes to, you know, maybe computer work or you know, technology, or a soft skill where we can enhance the quality of our, of our communications. So once I put those gratitude glasses on, then I could see the possibility and things. And then I was suddenly back in that lifelong learners mindset. I wasn’t attached to the previous version of myself, I was now stepping into the present version, and working towards a greater future version. And so that applies to anybody listening to this, you know, what’s the opportunity right now? Right? What’s the opportunity that’s being presented to you, maybe it’s a fixed skill, or a technical skill that might be challenging, maybe it’s a life situation or a relationship, whatever it is, but to start to start to reframe, and see it as an opportunity to reach, stretch and grow ourselves so that we can step into the future version of ourselves, because I’ll wrap it up here with 5000 words or more, which is, you if we always do what we’ve always done, we’ll always get what we always got. And that’s the same that I grew up with. And the reality is, is that’s actually not even true at all. Because now with the exponential increase in tempo of how fast technology is advancing, when we if we’re stuck in these archaic ways of doing things, we’re getting left behind. And we’ve got to, we’ve got to stay current and relevant and, you know, to on the personal side of development, so that we stay valuable and relevant for our professional lives, as well. Even the fact that we’re connecting right now, through my incredibly complicated sound setup here and camera setup here and light setup here, which you can’t see my studio, dozens and dozens of hours went into make this simple footage. Look, you know, as good as I can make myself look and sound as good as as I can sound. And that’s just pivoting and reinventing. and choosing to put our energy into new areas that have you know, maybe been undiscovered, uncertain for us.

Nick Glimsdahl  17:10 

Yeah, well, just for the clear count, I think it was 3462 words instead of the 5000. So you’re you’re way under and I appreciate that. Yeah,

Bronkar Lee  17:18 

you got 1400 despair.

Nick Glimsdahl  17:20 

Yeah, exactly. And, you know, I love the gratitude glasses too, because it’s, it’s what you focus on, is what you’re going to focus on, right? You keep your eyes on the worry, the frustration on things that you can’t control. And that’s where you’re going to keep your focus. But what might my suggestion to you is creating these glasses, and for people that can’t see the video, it’s, you know, you you make zeros or circles with your hands, and you throw it up to your, your eyes like glasses, you should make plastic perspective glasses saying, you know, here’s my gratitude glasses, it is just many hands that are looking over. And I think that would be awesome. handing them out 111 keynote at a time. But, you know, I think that’s, it’s, it’s really good to have gratitude and perspective. And I appreciate that, you know, I want to switch over to the kind of the well being side or the mental well being, you know, when when it comes to, I think it’s more, more now and more important now than ever. And, you know, but why should companies and maybe even specifically customer service, and it doesn’t have to be all of that or just specifically them, but why should they focus on mental well being of their employees?

Bronkar Lee  18:37 

Yeah, that’s a great question. And that’s, yeah, I really hope that everybody sits with this question and ask themselves that, because it is very important. And the reason is, is obviously, we know I could say, of doesn’t, you know, give a dozen metaphors, but we can’t pour from the empty glass. You know, we can’t give if we don’t have it, just it’s not possible. And so the importance of, you know, even back to the music analogy, it’s like, the importance of keeping ourselves in tune is essential. Because if, if I’m not in tune, if I’m not, if my mind isn’t in the right place, then I’m not going to show up energetically, in the right way. And I’m not going to be able to add value and serve and contribute to my greatest potential. And, you know, if there’s ways that there’s ways that we can do this one, one really big way for me is the power of meditation. And if anybody listening is, you know, afraid of that word, or thinks that it’s taboo or whatever. We don’t have to say the M word. You know, I actually joke about that. I’m like, some clients would prefer I dropped the F bomb than the M bomb, you know, and it’s like, but we don’t say meditation, we can say visualization, and we don’t even have to say visualization, we can say, what we’re doing is we’re going to engineer a space gives us permission to check out from the world and check in with the self. And then what we can do inside of this consciously engineered space is we can then reflect on our past, we can reflect on, let’s just say the last week of our lives and say, what’s been working for us the last week, what types of interactions have have been amplifying our health, joy and power, amplifying our you know, our business and moving us forward? And then what are some of the actions that have been diminishing that right and bringing it down, and let’s reflect on that. And then what we can do inside of this space that we engineer where we’re giving ourselves permission to not be doing doing doing more, because there’s a big difference between busy and productive, right? If we’re just busy all the time, making endless calls or doing endless work, it doesn’t necessarily mean that we’re being productive at all. We could just be doing stuff, and maybe we’re on overdrive, and we’re frantic, and we’re anxious, and we’re not even really doing them well. Right with that with that heart and soul and that feel behind it right, or just an accuracy behind it. But, but the reason is, is so when we give ourselves permission to check out and create that I have the storm moment to push the pause button on the chaos of life. Because we’re inundated with so much doing and hearing and expressing and learning and blah, blah, blah, blah. And when we can pause that create that eye of the storm moment, we can reflect on what’s been working, what hasn’t what’s amplified us and what’s diminished, right? And then we can say, Okay, now as we project into the future, how are we going to either recalibrate from the things that that aren’t working right or recreate what is working, and I got recreated from Disney, I worked for Disney for about eight years, I did hundreds of shows on their cruise ships, I was a guest entertainer. And one thing that Disney always said and obviously their customer service masters is they said we don’t we don’t repeat anything we recreate, right, because every week, a new set of 4000 guests would come on their cruise ship. And they’re not repeating even though they’re going they’re saying some of the same words and going through, we’re serving the same dishes. And we’re doing this, we’re never repeating. We’re always recreating because we’re fully present in the moment, right? we’re mindful of that moment. And we’re fully engaged and connected to the people in front of us when we can only be that if we’re in tune ourselves. If we’re cranky and angry, or whatever, or sleep deprived, whatever that is that’s going to come through and radiate through because that’s going to be the music that they’re feeling, they may hear our words, but they’re going to feel that music, that undercurrent there. So anyway, what we do then is after we either recalibrate or recreate, then we project in the future. So we go from a reflective state where we’re reflecting to a projection state projecting into the future. And we say, Now, here’s how I see my future going, here are the soft skills that I’d like to clean up, here’s a technical skill that I need to clean up, whatever it is, we just, we just make that energetic agreement internally with ourselves, then we look forward and we say, now I see myself having that interaction with that customer, or that client in that right and perfect way that’s going to amplify their, you know, for me, it’s health, joy and power, because that’s my mission. But you know, whatever your business is, it’s going to do that thing and achieve that thing. But the key is, is to engineer an extraordinary environment, right? Where we can give ourselves permission to check out in order to check in to check out from the world to check in with the self so that we can reflect on the past, what’s working and what’s not what’s amplifying or diminishing, then we can recreate or recalibrate and project into the future of how we want to see it going. And once we do that, then we’re just that’s just such a powerful tool to level up with. I have a lot more to say on that. But I’m going to pause because that definitely pushed me over my 5000 word limit. They’re

Nick Glimsdahl  23:55 

only by 262. So it wasn’t bad, wasn’t bad.


how often should people sit in the eye of the storm?

Bronkar Lee  24:05 

Great question, brother. So glad you prompted me on that. So again, it comes back to the retuning so the retuning of the instrument. If we wait for the weekend, we wait for the vacation. It’s Yeah, it can be effective. But by that time, we’re so far out of tune. We’ve had so many interactions we’ve had so many ups and downs successes and struggles that we don’t even know where to start and then it’s overwhelmed. And then it comes back to Malcolm Gladwell of it takes 10,000 hours to be a master at anything. And then suddenly we don’t ever try anything new because we get paralyzed by perfection because we could never do that who has you know who has an hour a day, five days a week, 20 hours a month, 240 hours a year takes 42 years to master that right? We’re not going to do that. So we get overwhelmed when we wait for those those those those moments on weekends or or or vacations. The key is to do it on a daily basis and it depends on yourself. system what is your workflow like? What is your life flow like? Everything is everything is is got to be improvised to a degree and customized for the individual. So I can speak for myself like my life is frickin chaos right now, I have two young boys, a three year old and a five year old they’re insanely spirited that I say boys, yes. And one of them has red hair. He is the he is the poster boy for the redhead kid. He’s a fireball man. But it’s like, so I’ve got two boys, I’m a solopreneur and an entrepreneur. We’ve been pivoting and reinventing our business over the last few months. I mean, it’s it’s it’s chaos. And the way that my schedule is set up is that what I do is I, I do a lot of calls with people, maybe I’m doing a coaching call with somebody here, if they do a lot of I call it focus coaching and velocity coaching. So I may be doing a group facilitation, where I’m hosting a group, I’m working with them, or a one to one session focus session with somebody. And after those sessions, what I do is I engineer me time I engineer time to push the pause button. And what I do is I put that 10 minutes or 15 minutes in between and I make sure I have that. And then I reflect on what just happened, right. And then I make notes, if I need to make notes. Sometimes I just make notes in my mind. But sometimes I make physical notes with old school pen and paper, sometimes I have a document that I have in a drive or something on my computer, but I take the time after those sessions to make those notes. And then I’m prepared I do the work right then when it’s still on my mind. And then I’m prepared for the next, you know, group coaching session or one to one session or whatever it is, or it could be a virtual keynote or a virtual, you know, conference or something like that. But I make notes right there. And then I’ve got it in there before it slips our mind. Because if I just jump into the next meeting, or if you just jump into the next meeting, then you’re going to be fully engaged in that meeting. And a lot of what you what you just retained is going to is going to, you know, drift away, and we’re going to forget, so there’s scheduling in there, whatever works for the individual schedule of, you know, whoever’s listening to this right now. Okay, number one, the top and the tail of the day, I do that for personal development, the top of the day, I want to get my mind, right, I want to get in that grateful state of mind, I want to retune my instrument for a few moments in the morning, at the tail of the day, right? When I get off of work, when I punch out, you know, off clock, then I want to take a moment to transition and get my energy in my mind, right? That’s what I do personally. But then for business wise, I’m then engineering it and scheduling it in throughout the day, depending on how many meetings I have, or what I’m doing. And so I highly encourage and invite anybody listening to schedule in those, you can call it I have the storm moments, you can call it reflection projection, you can say the M word if you want to and call it a meditation. You can you can, you know, it’s whatever, whatever you want to call whatever works for you. I highly recommend putting it in there. That is a game changing technique for me on the personal development side and the business side.

Nick Glimsdahl  28:15 

Yeah, I think that’s really key because you get to change in the moment, instead of changing like, the, you know, the one one example I just kind of thought of like, if I felt like I had a cavity, and I’m like, you know what, I’m good. I’m fine. And it keeps getting worse and worse and worse and worse. And all of a sudden, I realize I’m chewing on something my tooth comes out. And I’m like, oh, man, I really should do something about that. But you could have done that a year ago and actually fix the solution or fix the problem and just maybe done a little more brushing or flossing or more rinsing. You know, so when, when it comes to, I’m just trying to think through this. So when it comes to you, how do you keep accountable to you. And what I mean by that is, there’s probably a times where you might think that you’re in tune, going back to the music and rhythm. And your wife’s like you You might need to put those goggles back on those those perspective goggles and say, you know, check yourself before you wreck yourself.

Bronkar Lee  29:18 

Yeah, yeah, absolutely. And actually, that’s great that you brought it up because my wife calls me out all the time. And she’s like, you need to step outside and you need to go get a little either storm, or you need to go push the pause button. And that’s a that’s a big one too. There’s a couple of thoughts. One is also personal ways that I do that is I use music, sound and, and tones and music and melodies and rhythms. They have the ability to change our mental states and our physical states immediately. You know, if you just think about you think about your favorite song right now. Just think about whatever it is if it’s happy by friends, or if you hate that song that brings out a different emotion but like whatever your favorite song is. It probably brings a smile to your face, it sets a different tone for where you are right now, the power of music is undeniable. And so I use music all the time, to, you know, to help me to change my, my state, my mental state and physical state for sure. And we can talk more about that, because I’ve studied this for a long time. And I’ve created consciously engineered lots of, I call it mindset music, for this type of thing. We can talk about that later. But the other thing is, the real thing you wanted to touch on was you asked about, I guess, the self awareness of when we are when we believe we’re in tune. And I think a lot of this, a lot of this comes down to continuing to cultivate this self awareness so that we are really in tune with the self, right and doing exercises like this, where we’re working on our mental fitness. But more than that, and in addition to that, is to have, you know, the right types of people that we’ve surrounded to be in our sphere. So who are the people that we’re checking in with on a regular basis? You know, do we have a mentor? Do we have a coach? Do we have peers? Do we have a mastermind groups, who are those people around us that we can trust trusted people that are going to give us honest feedback about how we’re showing up, because we can’t, I mean, again, a lot of analogies I could throw out here, but we can’t read the label when we’re inside the bottle. And so having that having those people surrounding us, is is critical to have that awareness in addition to the self awareness, to have a deeper, you know, sense of awareness as to what type of tuning we’re in and if we are creating harmony or Discord.

Nick Glimsdahl  31:46 

So this is the fastest path of fastest podcast in the nation. And we’re getting close to the end, but I can’t let you off the hook, and talk about how awesome you are and all the music behind it without actually being able to hear something. So give me a little taste of anything that you want to play or a box or noise, anything you want to do. For the listener.

Bronkar Lee  32:14 

I got you since I read I since I referenced Disney, I’ll pick up my super sexy instrument here, which is the flute for those of you who can’t see, sexy instrument on the planet. And what I’m gonna do is I’ll just do a little, I’ll do a little Disney tribute here. This is a song that either you love it or you hate it, but I guarantee you it’s going to be stuck in your head for the rest of the day.

Nick Glimsdahl  32:37 

And you’re welcome.

Oh, boy,


did I expect you actually to beatbox in that instrument? So I actually wrap up every podcast with two questions that I didn’t prep you. So good luck. But what book or person has influenced you the most in the past year? So I put parameters around that. And then the second one is, if you can leave a note to all the customer service or all the customer experience professionals. It’s going to hit everybody’s desk Monday at 8am. What would it say?

Bronkar Lee  34:31 

Oh, man. Yeah, that’s like a lot of ridiculous amount of pressure. You’re welcome.

Nick Glimsdahl  34:37 

Yep. Or you can just keep playing music maybe like what this is awkward. I’m playing music.

Bronkar Lee  34:41 

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Much, much easier. escape route there to gravitate to one of my, you know, dozens of instruments here. Yeah, so biggest influence, I would say honestly, I’m really interesting. A guy named Eckhart Tolle He has been a huge influence on my life The this last year. And it’s it’s interesting because I try, I kept getting people recommending that I get into cards work. And I tried for a long time. And I was like, I just don’t get it like what the heck, it’s just, I just don’t get he’s just sitting there talking. He’s so slow. And I’m really high energy, obviously. And I was like, it almost like frustrated me to listen to them. And then suddenly something happened. I don’t know if it was an internal shift or what, but all of a sudden, I just tried it randomly. Just watching him again, I probably saw like a Facebook ad or something. I don’t know what I saw. But somehow I just tried it again. And I was like, This guy is magical. And everything that he was saying, just started resonating with me at such a deep level. And so last night I did a was a part of a he hosted and facilitated a global meditation, which was so powerful. And it wasn’t even really like it wasn’t a meditation in the sense of, you know, depending on who you are listening, you have a different interpretation as to what a meditation is, there was no Sage involved, there was no candle lighting. There. There’s no white flowing outfits. We weren’t in a cave. You know, hibernating away from society for 30 years. It was just a conversation on a seriously deep self awareness level. And it was so profound man. And so the last few months I’ve really been getting into Eckart tolle a and so if you’re one of those people who has tried to listen to him, but you’re just like, like I was, you know, just not into it. Maybe try it again. Yeah, and because again, that’s just another thing with you know, tempo and music and timing, it’s like, when is is so incredibly important, when the timing of things right? When are we getting exposed to this thing, you know, and maybe it’s not now, but maybe it’s later. And so just having that awareness, because as we know, there are so many cycles in life that we’re connected to on a, you know, on a, on a massive level. And on a small level, I mean, we have the cycles of, of our lives, you know, we have the cycles of seasons, we have the cycles of months of weeks of days, the cycles of our nutritional intake, and our, our diets and our energy levels and sleep. And so having awareness on on the cyclical realm, in the cyclical realm of like, when we’re getting exposed to things and not being afraid to try something again, as we’re later down, down the journey in life. Because we do become new versions of our our future selves are different than our past selves, hopefully, if not, but that’s the definition of insanity when we’re just running on the hamster wheel.

Nick Glimsdahl  37:55 

So there you go use that word again.

Bronkar Lee  37:58 

What’s that?

Nick Glimsdahl  38:00 

There you go using an M word again?

Bronkar Lee  38:02 

Oh, that did it. I use it again. I don’t even mean to sorry. Because it’s not taboo to me. You

Nick Glimsdahl  38:06 

know? I’m kidding.

Bronkar Lee  38:09 

So and then your other question was, what did you say how I feel like

Nick Glimsdahl  38:13 

you’re trying to get out of it. I feel like you’re trying to get out of it. But I’m gonna ask it again, just so you have time to think so. What book are and I already asked that one. So if you could leave a note to all the customer service and all the customer experience professionals, and in the entire world, and it’s gonna reach everybody Monday at 8am. And it could be a little one word, it could be a five sentence, it could be whatever you want. And it’s gonna hit everybody.

Bronkar Lee  38:36 

What would it say? Oh, man, that is intense, bro. You are welcome. Wow. Yeah, I mean, I probably just because it’s such a, I have to give such a generalized response to this because I don’t know where everybody is. Because everybody’s showing up in a different in a different reality.

Nick Glimsdahl  38:59 

So maybe something about rhythm.

Bronkar Lee  39:01 

I love Yeah, yeah. Get your groove on. Um, yeah, well, there could definitely be something something in rhythm. I mean, I would say there’s something in there about self permission, about permission and ownership. Um, you know, I could I could give some deep philosophical mumbo jumbo in here. Or I could just say, You got this. And then you say that to yourself. And you say, I got this, you know, I’m saying I’ve got this, but it’s that self. It’s the self confidence. And, and, and believing in the Self, my grandma always used to say, and she passed several years ago, but she always used to say, she would say, if you don’t believe in yourself, nobody else is going to believe in you. And so and that was a terrible interpretation of her impression of her I should say, but so I think if we don’t believe in ourselves, who else is gonna believe in us and that’s on a business. level on a spiritual level or energetic level, a customer service level. whatever level you want to look at it, it’s really it’s so believe in yourself.

Nick Glimsdahl  40:10 

Yeah, I got this. You got this. And now that is from nylon is how I hear your grandma. That’s I’ve never met her before. But that’s his. That’s the voice I hear. Yeah, from now on. And so what’s the best way for my listeners if they want to get a hold of you, they want you to do a keynote. They want to learn more more about a didgeridoo? What’s the best way for people to get a hold of you?

Bronkar Lee  40:33 

I don’t have that much knowledge on didgeridoo so sorry to disappoint on that one.

Nick Glimsdahl  40:37 

Yeah, one person that I was gonna ask about didgeridoos Please do not send that message.

Bronkar Lee  40:42 

Yeah, yeah. If you’re gonna ask me about didgeridoos please refrain from that because there’s plenty of better information out there than what I’ll give you. I would say the best way for people to reach me is instrumental humans comm that’s our website. So I’m the founder and president of it My wife is the CEO. So she’s the one that really the important one, I’m just the loud poster boy, but Instrumental and on there, you can find information about velocity coaching, focus, coaching, keynoting, and also all of our, our music, which is mindset music, consciously engineered music to really amplify health and happiness. So you can find out all that instrumental instrumental humans calm,

Nick Glimsdahl  41:30 

very cool. Brown car. Thank you so much. That was awesome. I, we could have probably gone for a 12 hour session right there. But I really, really appreciate it.

Bronkar Lee  41:41 

Absolutely, brother, thank you so much for having me on. And thanks to anybody listening right now for you know, trusting me and giving your energy and essence to the last half hour I really am honored and appreciated. And that is directly from another amazing human Bob Ross, who was a painter from the 80s and 90s, who always said, hey, it’s Bob Ross here and thanks again for letting me into your homes. And

Nick Glimsdahl  42:09 

and you got this

Bronkar Lee  42:11 

and you got this exactly.


The Press 1 For Nick podcast is both educational and engaging, and each episode offers listeners a dynamic blend of insightful stories, best practices, and invaluable lessons.

Nickโ€™s guests – each with a unique wealth of knowledge – include leaders from a variety of backgrounds and industries. Some of his guests include:

  • Customer service & customer experience leaders
  • A hostage negotiator
  • Award-winning authors
  • Home Depotโ€™s Senior Director of Customer Care
  • Former VP of Disneyโ€™s Magic Kingdom
  • Lyftโ€™s Head of Partner and Customer Engagement
  • Deputy Chief Veteran Experience Officer from the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs

On every episode Nick asks his guest two questions:

  1. What book or person has influenced you the most in the past year?
  2. If you could leave a note to all the Customer Service and CX professionals, what would it say?

You can find all the podcast guests’ answers under their episodes below.

If all you want is the guests’ book recommendations, you can go here.

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