Chimene Ross – President and CCO at The Killer Brownie® Company [Customer Experience]
Chimene Ross talks about how Killer Brownie’s came to be, how to craft the world’s most delightful experiences and how to stay focused on the customers’ experience.
Nick Glimsdahl 0:04
Hello, and welcome to the press one for Nick podcast. My name is Nick Glimsdahl. And my guest on the podcast today is chemin. Ross shamin is the president and chief customer officer at the killer brownie company. Welcome to the podcast show, man.
Chimene Ross 0:17
Thank you.
Nick Glimsdahl 0:19
Yeah. So
the one nugget, I always try to find something that people might not know about you. And before you were the president and chief customer officer, at the killer brownie company, you were, you are a registered and still a registered nurse.
Chimene Ross 0:36
That’s right, I practice as a registered nurse for a little over 20 years, I still have a current license just because I worked so hard for it. Keep my license current. But then when I started this role in 2013, I was just primarily working with my family’s business. So I’ve been doing that since then.
Nick Glimsdahl 0:57
Yeah, no, that’s awesome. How does being a nurse align with what you do today?
Chimene Ross 1:04
It really is amazing to me how much of that background has been useful and in what I’m doing now. Because to me, both the role as president and taking care of customers is really just caregiving. And that I got, you know, you become very in tune to your patients and what their needs are. And it’s just the ultimate customer service experience taking care of patients, and listening to their needs. And that was actually, a really kind of easy transition for me as I took on this role was just listening, observing what customers needed. And it’s really transitioned again, into the role as President, because our primary focus is taking care of those that are part of our organizations. So it’s surprising how much those things kind of relate. But I say frequently, that I feel like I’ve been in a caretaker role, most of my life, and I still feel that way. And it allows me to continue to look at, you know, what are the needs both of the company and the people in our company, and also our customers? Yeah, I will tell you another thing that’s been really interesting be in the food industry, learning to make sure that we’re compliant with all the regulatory bodies like the FDA, it’s very similar language. So as we build a product, food safety, those things are very important to me, because I came from a background where I was used to documenting things used to be safe for patients. And so translating that to food safety has been easier than expected, because it’s all very similar world making sure that you’re doing things that are safe for consumers. Yeah,
Nick Glimsdahl 2:39
yeah, that was actually way more than I expected. So very, very cool. Um, it sounds like the registered nurses need to take a class on customer experience, because that’s how you listen and pay attention to customers. It might be a course that you can bring up to, to the school that you went to, but yeah. So for those listeners who don’t know, how did the killer brownie company, how did they get started?
Chimene Ross 3:07
So my grandfather in 1948, started a specialty grocery store that my dad then took over in the 1970s. And he was always looking for it the right product differentiate us from the competition. And so in the early to mid 1980s, started making this product killer brownie, that he had actually learned the concept it had been around for a long time, a stuffed brownie had been around for a long time. But he had started making it in our bakeries in the late 1980s. And it was called the killer brownie more of a like, as a catchphrase, like you think of like as, like a killer wave, you know, it’s like this cool, descriptive phrase, you know, from like, the surfer dudes. So um, and then in 1988, he actually trademarked the name, because it hadn’t been trademarked yet. And he really saw potential in both the product and then also the potential, and the really insight to see that it was important to trademark that name. So and then in the year 2000, he actually established it as a separate wholesale entity apart from the retail grocery store, because more and more people were starting to want to carry the product like kind of friends in the business. And so it made sense to him to establish that business then at that time. So that’s the many years of history kind of all rolled into one sentence. But it was just this great product concept that had a great name, and then kind of grew itself by itself into potential for great wholesale company. So we’re now separate as a wholesale entity still owned, privately owned by both families. So I still work closely with my family. My role is as president of just our wholesale company.
Nick Glimsdahl 4:44
Yeah. And just a side note, so my wife grew up in Dayton. And so her favorite store was Dorothy lane market or dlm for the cool kids. Yeah.
Yeah, I know your local Yeah,
right. And so the crazy part and I’ll explain the whole local thing one step further is, and I didn’t really understand this, but every time that we went on vacation, we would take a dlm bag with us. And we would go around and take pictures in these vacation spots. Regardless if it was the Caribbean or, you know, somewhere in Barcelona, wherever we are going at the time, we would take pictures of the bag, and then you guys would with the bag, and then you guys deal with in a market would hang it up on the wall. And in the meantime, as we were walking by to the cashier to show them the picture, you’d walk by the by these ridiculous three layered brownies. And that’s kind of how I started getting interested in in dlm, which made me kind of want to keep going back. But if you stick them in the right at the very beginning of the entrance of dlm. And it’s it’s a little bit sneaky, because you kind of smell it as soon as it goes in with all the other pastries. So just want to say it’s well placed. Oh, thank
Chimene Ross 6:03
you. Yeah, that was a famous name in famous places. And those pictures are all still up. There’s actually one. I think on the space shuttle, there’s one in like space, there’s a door to a market grocery bag at space.
Nick Glimsdahl 6:19
So what you’re trying to tell me is I need to step my game up. Yeah,
come on.
So who in the family thought, you know, these brownies are good. But how about we add not just one, but two layers of brownies to make them better?
Chimene Ross 6:36
What was originally, like I mentioned, my dad was looking for items that were unique and special. So he’s really kind of the inspiration on going out and finding concepts and inspiration for things like that. And he was, you know, when you think about a product like that, typically what was in a grocery store bakery, were just very more commodity type items, or a specialty, you would go to a specialty bakery to have any kind of special handmade type product. So it was kind of new in those times for a grocery store to have such great items. Now we see grocery stores, it’s in the game, it’s definitely elevated. So it that it was kind of its own thing at that time. And really how it got started to get notoriety is they started putting it in what was also a new concept, which was box lunches. So local companies would order a box lunch to be delivered a lot of offices, things like that. And, and the dessert in the box lunch was a killer brownie. And so it kind of started to get this local cult following in the 1980s. Because people were like that became that famous brownie that people would travel to that a grocery store bakery hat, which again, at that time was kind of, you know, in a class on its own. So it really, you know, being having the faith to get behind a product like that and go out on a limb not knowing what customers would think. And now of course, the rest is history. So see what happened with it, but it was really my dad was the inspiration behind making it a big product in our stores.
Nick Glimsdahl 8:06
Hmm, that’s that’s really neat. So you guys had this original brownie. But you didn’t just say hey, we have this really cool original brownie. We’re gonna we’re just gonna ride this thing out into the sunset, but you’re like, hey, there’s other flavors that might be good too. And you probably dabbled in a few. But what flavors Do you guys have today? And maybe what’s the most popular?
Chimene Ross 8:29
I should have written these all down. Over the years we’ve developed a few that or have were really fun concepts like there was actually a blueberry killer brownie. It is not still around, which I’m not sure how that sounds. Today we have about 1011 flavors with some seasonals. And we’re always trying new ones. Like for instance, this year, we’re rolling out a pumpkin killer brownie which we have talked about doing for many years, but we wanted it to be a clean ingredient. We wanted it to have just the right flavor profile. We wanted it to be able to hold up the caramels so that took us about nine months of r&d to get to so we’re very excited about this year. But some of our other flavors are we have several flavors that don’t have nuts. So the original killer brownie is about 25% Carmo we think of the weight of the brownie 25 to 30% Carmel and it has pecans in it. So then we have several flavors that do not so our cookie dough is probably our top flavor next to original and it has the top is a cookie dough. The bottom is the killer brownie it sells the caramel. All the killer brownies had the signature Carmel Carmel layer they’re all about a third of a pound except for the German chocolate, which is a personal favorite but it’s more like locally loved. And then we have what we call not another which is like a triple chocolate we have a peanut butter a salted caramel blonde confetti is a super fun one online huge Instagram hit with raspberry cookies and cream, we use real Rio cookie bits. for that one. We have a peppermint that we do every fourth quarter. And I think I covered most of them.
Nick Glimsdahl 10:11
Yeah. Good. I actually have the website up and I’m gonna tell you a little bit, but I think you actually got it the blonde ambition sounds really good. The one I haven’t tried, he says the raspberry or your favorite the German chocolate. So sounds really, really neat. Um, you know, my wife’s favorite, I think I had mentioned prior was the nada Nutter. And that was kind of her go to she’s she loves chocolate. But
yeah, lots of chocolate.
Yeah, she’s on on mission to have that. But, um, you know, speaking of mission, you know, your mission states that we craft the world’s most delightful brownie experience, which is, you know, awesome to have that for your transition today is is the president and chief customer officer. How do you guys live out the mission at the killer brownie company?
Chimene Ross 11:04
Well, I think as when you first read that, you might think well, that just means they make really great brownies, which we do. Because we have our whole line of signature brownies that you see on our website. But we also have an entire line of brownies that are more of the everyday traditional fudge like that you would think of that you make at home. And a huge part of our business is actually working with customers, as a private label program, or in grocery stores all across the country. And we work we’ll create a product for a customer specific to them, depending on the volume and the size. So we do quite a lot outside of what you think of as the traditional signature brownie. So yes, we want customers to have a great eating experience. But for us, when we think about that mission statement that includes everything, from concept to consumption. So it’s everything that goes behind creating the product, which includes how we treat people, how within our organization, how we invest our money, how we strategically, strategically grow, how we communicate with our team, so that every part of that experience is truly the best it possibly can for the eventual consumption by the consumer. Because consumers know when something’s not right. They know if you’re not committed to a certain part of your business. And also think that when we think about every bit of our business and the partnerships that we have, with customers, which were primarily b2b, we want their experiences to be delightful as well, we want them to think of us as a vendor that is responsive, and that gets them what they need, and that borders are on time and the quality is what it needs to be. And no one person can do that by themselves. It’s impossible, you have to have a team of really great people that are bringing their best selves every day. That feel appreciated. And so when I think about what that means, as a mission statement, it’s everything that goes into that, from the first brainstorming idea, like is this the right idea for our brand, to who we partner with, to their experience, to ultimately a customer taking the first bite of the brownie? So hopefully, that kind of encompasses all those things that are important to the experience.
Nick Glimsdahl 13:21
Yeah, yeah. And it’s not just the customer and I and we’ll get more into the employee a little bit. But I love how you’re kind of rolling in the customer and employee experience sample sign. So you know, with your title today, it’s the president and chief customer officer. So which title came first. I started
Chimene Ross 13:40
as the chief customer officer. So primarily, I came in just both sales and also customer service, taking care of the current customers that we had and kind of looking at what was the potential with the business and growing the business and being a little bit more strategic about it. I was in that role, actually until 2019. So I was just made the president of the company last year. Wow. Yeah. So
Nick Glimsdahl 14:04
you still kept it just like you did when you were a nurse. You kept your caretaking role with you. Right, as you roll into the to the president role. So why was it important for you to keep that the chief customer officer role as you’re rolling into the president? You know,
Chimene Ross 14:22
I there was a lot of thought and discussion that went into that, because to me, if a person is the president, just of a company, I may not feel like I can call them anymore. And it was really important to me that all of our customers felt like I was still accessible. And that I was still there business was still very important to us. Now we have since added to our sales force, but I’ve continued to keep that part of my title because I wanted them to feel like I wasn’t going anywhere, and that their needs are so very important to us. We would just be adding people to our team. And also, it’s important to me to have a pulse on what customers need, I think as a president of a company, but for me, I didn’t want to get so far removed from what is the market demand? And what are the customers experiences? And what things should we be, I didn’t want to brainstorm about ideas that I thought were great that we would eat up my house, but also ideas that actually work. Because like, we can sometimes come up with ideas that we think are so great. And we’d like to all this great photography, and we just think we’re so smart. We find out that like, not one single customer asked about that product. So for me, it’s really like listening not just to what we want to do, but like, what do customers want? What do they need? What do we need to be changing? So that’s what both of those titles are, were important to me, because I could still feel like I was very much in tune to what we needed to do for the future of our company, but also what you need to do to take care of customers.
Nick Glimsdahl 15:59
Yeah, no, it’s a, it’s a great reason to keep the the CTO role. The one thing that I don’t appreciate, but I do appreciate sounds confusing, but is when I follow you on LinkedIn, and you guys send these amazing pictures, non stop through my through my LinkedIn feed, and it just makes me hungry. Yeah, sorry. Yeah, so I’m not mad, but it makes me drool a little bit every time I see him. So why is it important for you and your organization to focus on customer experience?
Chimene Ross 16:32
Um, well, because again, I think that that’s what makes memories about you, as there’s a lot of people that make sweets, or a lot of people that make great product. I mean, I think our product is really special. But what about you is memorable? Like I think of all my memorable experiences with a product. And it’s more than just the product was great. It was what is the company represent? What are they about? What was my experience with them? Were they interested in and listening to me? So I think the customer experience really drives the decisions, so many decisions that we make, but it’s really about building long term relationships, whether that customer is a vendor, or is another wholesale customer, or if they’re an end consumer who’s experiencing the product. We want them to have positive memories about us and start to build a longer term relationship with us.
Nick Glimsdahl 17:28
Yeah, one of one of the statements that you said, when we had our first call was you can’t have a bad organization experience and a great customer experience. And that really stuck with me, because we just talked about earlier is a happy employees equal happy customers. And so how do you invest in your people today? And why is that important?
Chimene Ross 17:52
We invest in a few ways. directly, we do actually have a profit sharing program. So each quarter as our company profits, we share those profits with absolutely everyone, including part time employees that have worked at least 1000 hours, it was inspiration from the book, great game of business. And that’s actually what we call our program. So it really, we invest financially and all in them directly. But also it helps everyone to feel like they have ownership in the whole process. And then the other ways that we invest are some things that you might not think of as investments for employees. But one thing that I thought of is in the equipment that we purchase, because very often we purchase equipment, both to create efficiencies, but also for employee experience, if we find that they’re doing some repetitive motion, that would be much easier on them, if we automated, then we start looking at that and how that will make their experience better. What we recently moved into a new facility and a big part of our decision making was what’s the most comfortable Florida stand on all day, when your production, that’s an investment in how they’re spending their day and caring about them to make their job day in and day out better. So invest in them in that way as well. We also invest in them in training, and even adding support positions within our company. So if we find that one person is doing the job of of two people, it’s time to actually add another person so that their own still, you know, doing not trying to take on too much. So we try to be very aware of how people are and with their role and their responsibilities to make sure it’s not becoming too much. The great thing about having an organization where people are happy is that people love to work and are excited to be here. But that can also be a downside too. So we really try to be aware that people are not working themselves to death or you know, at night everyone please go home and start go home. That you you know, you have to be careful that people are not running themselves into the ground. So we try to be aware of noticing what people are tired or they’ve worked too hard or what do we need to adjust or change. So I think that’s a way of investing. I’m investing in them. And also training and education are very important to us. So we do onboarding, both for food safety, and then also about our culture at the beginning, we do ongoing training, we do ongoing training with our management team. We’re and we’re constantly figuring out, what’s the next thing that we need to be doing to support them both training not only for efficiencies as far as everything from quantity, quality, or, or product production, etc, but also training for management and growth and management style and leadership. We do a lot of leadership training. And it’s not just for the leadership team, but everybody’s a leader. And one of my most favorite phrases I ever heard was from clay material, who started in salt times. I’m sure everyone knows who he is. And he said that the
Oh, my goodness, I’m gonna mess it up. Now.
The wisdom of the decision has nothing to do with the position. I think I said it right. But I think of that in terms of how we invest in our people, because we believe leadership is at every level. Yeah. And so it’s we invest in ways to try to support people to become their best selves. Hopefully, that all kind of tied it together.
Nick Glimsdahl 21:24
No, no, I
think that’s great. Even I was just a quote from Simon Sinek, who said, leadership is not a title, it doesn’t matter. The title you have at leadership is how you act and what you do in that moment. And then, yeah, it’s so there’s, there’s a bunch of quotes around that. But we’ll, we’ll save that for another time. But the one thing that I noticed, literally right before this call, so I had to make sure that I put it in as a is, you know, a really cool thing that you guys do is, you know, you have an internal program to encourage teammates to publicly recognize one another. Can you explain a little bit about that, and then maybe what was the result that you had.
Chimene Ross 22:13
So we call that our brownie points program. And it we were finding that obviously, as managers, we were recognizing our teammates, but we really wanted them to take ownership of noticing and recognizing each other even in small things. And so the way the program works is we have these, we have a, like, you know, a big like bingo thing, where you flip around all the stuff inside. And you can fill out a little form. And each person that recognises something about someone has to put their name on it, as well as who the person they’re recognizing, because we didn’t want it to be anonymous, we wanted everyone to have the opportunity. Because the reality is, is if I say I should men are named recognize this man, for whatever, we both get recognition. So you’re actually giving yourself some recognition by being a part of that program. And so we thought that was a way for people to kind of rise above themselves a little bit by just simply noticing each other. But some unbelievable things have happened have really come out of that. One thing is there’s a really common theme amongst all these things, people recognize that each other. So we’re learning what our values are within the company, by what people notice about each other, help support little things. So much humor has come out of this, we laugh all the time anyway here, but they’re hilarious things that people write down. And I just saw the little fun things that they notice about each other. So that’s been amazing to see, it’s been amazing to see the people who were quiet kind of rise up. And there are people who have been just quietly observing and appreciating their teammates. It’s been amazing. And one thing I actually noticed this month, is that I’m finding that people are now starting to really step up. And maybe a person who was kind of like, maybe not as as maybe more just to themselves are now finding ways to be more helpful, because they know people are noticing and that we’re all looking out for each other. So it’s just been this really incredible program internally. And then we take and we post those in the break room for a whole month. We post them all up for everybody to read. And then each month when we do new ones, we take those down and we hand them out and we’re finding that we’re having hundreds of them every month. One thing that we do and it takes a long time, but it’s so much fun. Once a month we have a meeting, we pass them all out and we’ve read every single one of them. And we first started and there were like 30 of them didn’t take very long now it takes like 20 minutes, half hour but that’s okay. But it’s everybody is so engaged and listening and looking out and hearing what everybody is doing. And then we do a drop a kind of a fun drawing for a gift card every single month but It’s just been so awesome to see everyone recognize each other like that. It’s been really yeah,
Nick Glimsdahl 25:05
that’s a really cool program. Because when I saw the picture, it’s not just like one tack with one piece of paper, there is like six or seven pieces of paper on every tag in this board is completely full. And my guess is when people are listening for that one month when everybody’s kind of going around, and maybe not even reading their own. They’re probably saying, oh, man, hey, I think mines coming up as soon as theirs comes up, maybe they’re, they kind of brighten up a little bit. And then that rest of the day, they probably have a little pep in their step like Haha, remember when I did that really cool thing. Or remember when I wrote that really nice thing to show man? Like, that was really cool. I’m so glad I did that. Maybe I’m gonna keep an eye on, you know, maybe Joe or Susan or Frank or whoever else. Because I noticed that they’ve done something good, too. So it’s a constant cycle of ways to to acknowledge the people around you. And I think that’s a really cool way to do about do that.
Chimene Ross 26:05
Yeah, I think recognition is one of those things in life that’s way underrated. I think we think of ways to take care of people. Obviously, monetarily is important. Being kind, but I think recognition is way under under rated. I think it’s every single one of us really appreciates being appreciated or recognized for hard work. And it needs to be an integral part of anyone’s business and company. Or you may lose someone and not really know why if you’re not acknowledging or appreciating all their hard work.
Nick Glimsdahl 26:38
Yeah, that’s a great point. Um, so everybody had to pivot a little bit during this craziness we call a pandemic over the last few months. So how did you have to change your business or how you went about it and the relationships? explain a little bit about that.
Chimene Ross 26:56
Our primary business is b2b. So we have a business to business business model, but we have a b2c facing. So we still like our Instagram, Facebook, everything is b2c. So what we had to do really was adopt or adapt to what our customers needed. So we had some purchase orders that ended up being on hold, because everyone in the world, kind of what in the freeze mode a little bit, not really no, knowing what to expect what to do. And so initially, we just were whatever customers needed, if they needed us to hold on purchase orders, if they needed us to delay, whatever they needed to do, because I knew that they were experiencing the same kind of stress that we were, and uncertainty. So the very first thing we really did was just kind of pause, figure out what people needed, make sure to take care of the immediate. And then we very quickly got together and decided that one of the most important things that we could do was still maintain our presence in the in the business community. And to make sure that we were still messaging with our marketing. So we actually increased our marketing, we increased our email campaigns, we started to promote items that we felt customers wanted, which were in retail ready packaging. So anything that had less touch points to it, really started promoting those items. So we shifted a little bit, we just increased our communication with all of our customers brokers, anywhere in the supply chain. And that really did help. But I would say the pivot was really listening to people, finding out what people needed and not going away. Because it’s really scary. When all these things change. When you’re in a business, you can get panic mode, and want to shut everything down or lay people off, we did not want to do that. And actually, I’m very proud to say we didn’t lay anyone off during that time. We continue to produce, we just try to just strategically and smartly build inventory that we would need for closer to fourth quarter. And we just made some intelligent decisions about buying and selling in order to maintain that. But we also just like I said, we’ve really tried to find out what customers needed and got the right products in front of them. And for us, thankfully, we were able to kind of get through those couple of months. Okay, we feel very positive about where we are now and where we’re headed. So, being willing, being able to adjust a little bit to those needs, has helped us,
Nick Glimsdahl 29:22
right, yeah, it’s almost sounds like the You said you increased your email, emails, you increase your marketing. So maybe some of these small pivots or five degree turns that are still going to get you into the end zone or or to complete your business outcomes might actually be in escalation in into that pace, or to getting you into the end zone a little bit quicker. If I were to use a football analogy, hopefully they’re football on the follow. That’s maybe
your subtle hint.
There you go. But You know, speaking of the future, what does? What does the future hold for the killer brownie company?
Chimene Ross 30:07
Well, we’ve done some things that have really put us in a place to be able to, to work with or talk with anyone who wants a really great branding experience, or food safety certified, we have been for several years we’ve most recently became kosher, which is very exciting. So as we think about the future, we think of ourselves as a household name, and any grocery store or chain that you can go in across the country, we think of us having a product line that people recognize from several feet away, we think of us continuing to have the most delightful product and experience you possibly can. And we see our business continuing to grow both physically here in our space, growing outside of the space that we’ve recently just moved into. We see ourselves growing our marketing team growing our sales team, continuing to automate growing into other ways of packaging, brownies, some really exciting things that we’re working on right now. So we’re the future for us is very exciting. And we do are one of the only companies I think we’re actually the only company in the wholesale retail space that only makes brownies. So we’ll continue to specialize in just that. Because it’s what we do really well. And we’re excited about growing that.
Nick Glimsdahl 31:21
Yeah, that sounds like a fun future. So we’ve talked about flavors. We’ve talked about your favorite brownie, we talked about kind of the direction of killer brownies. My guess is all of my listeners are probably crazy hungry right now thinking about all these amazing specialty treats. So how do they go about finding these addicting brownies? You know, do they go to the website, or what’s the best way to to find out maybe other ways to get them in store? what’s what’s the best way.
Chimene Ross 31:55
So they can go to our website and search a location near them anywhere in the country. And they’ll be able to pull up if products are being carried by a retail location near them. Or they can go into our website killer brownie calm and order there or go belly as well. I’m curious the product so they can check either one of those websites. And they have them shipped anywhere and the continental US to them.
Nick Glimsdahl 32:18
Sounds like a plan. So go ahead and get those brownies. I’m sure man I asked. I wrap up every podcast with two questions. So the first question is what book or person has influenced you the most in the past year? And the second question is, you could leave a note to all the customer service and all the customer experience professionals, and everybody would hear it, what would it say?
Chimene Ross 32:42
The first thing I would say is actually a book called double double. And I read the book in February prior to all this stuff happening. There’s a chapter in that book about what to do in a recession. And I sort of skimmed over it because the economy is so great. And then when COVID hit literally in the middle of March, I was like that book had a chapter about what to do. And I opened it up and we followed it like a guidebook. And a big part of it was watch all your where all your spending is, except for marketing and sales, spend more in marketing and sales. And that’s what we did. And it worked. And I really feel like that book. It’s just so funny how that chapter was lying in there, with all those answers tucked away in that chapter. So anyway, double double. And then
Nick Glimsdahl 33:34
and so you need to, you need to email the author and tell them why you didn’t give him a testimony. So maybe he’ll he’ll put you in the next book.
Chimene Ross 33:43
Yeah, so that that was a pivotal just happened to be pivotal book and I read frequently I could talk all day about all these great books I love but I that one was really important in this time. And then so and the one thing that I would tell other customer service professionals is to try to do more listening than you do talking. really listen to what customers need current customers, customers with issues future customers in the sales process. Just listen, people will tell you what they need, even if they don’t use the words. They’ll tell you through their emotions, their experience, just listen and try and accommodate their needs as opposed to thinking about well, this is what I offer. This is what I do. Think about what they need first. And you always have great experience that way.
Nick Glimsdahl 34:36
That is some great advice. So you can connect with a man on LinkedIn. So szymon main Ross, so s r c h i m e n e, m a y and E Ross r o s s or go to the website killer brownies. They’re also on Instagram. So go check them out and look at those delicious treats. And you can get a hold of them on their contact us page. Thank you so much again for your time. I’ve enjoyed the conversation and look forward to heading over to dlm next time I’m in town. Yeah, thank
Chimene Ross 35:11
you so much. Next, super fun.
The Press 1 For Nick podcast is both educational and engaging, and each episode offers listeners a dynamic blend of insightful stories, best practices, and invaluable lessons.
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- A hostage negotiator
- Award-winning authors
- Home Depot’s Senior Director of Customer Care
- Former VP of Disney’s Magic Kingdom
- Lyft’s Head of Partner and Customer Engagement
- Deputy Chief Veteran Experience Officer from the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs
On every episode Nick asks his guest two questions:
- What book or person has influenced you the most in the past year?
- If you could leave a note to all the Customer Service and CX professionals, what would it say?
You can find all the podcast guests’ answers under their episodes below.
If all you want is the guests’ book recommendations, you can go here.
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