Jeannie Walters – CEO & Chief Experience Investigator at Experience Investigators [Service Blue Printing]
Jeannie is Global Keynote Speaker, Trainer, and workshop leader, CEO & Chief Customer Experience Investigator at Experience Investigators, Forbes Contributor and LinkedIn Learning Author and Instructor. Jeannie talks about service blue printing, how to get started, the difference between Front stage & Back Stage and how to set expectations.
Nick Glimsdahl 0:05
Welcome to the press one for Nic podcast. My name is Nick Glimsdahl. And my guest this week is Jeannie Walters. Jeannie is the global keynote speaker, trainer and workshop leader, CEO and Chief experience or customer experience investigator at experienced investigators afford can Forbes contributor and LinkedIn learning author and instructor. Welcome to podcast. Jeannie.
Jeannie Walters 0:27
Thank you so much. I’m thrilled to be here.
Nick Glimsdahl 0:29
Yeah, that was a tongue twister and almost got me. So, yeah, for sure. So I always ask everybody at the very beginning of a podcast, what’s one thing people might not know about? Yeah.
Jeannie Walters 0:44
One thing that they might not know about me is that I had the opportunity a couple years ago to go to medion, Columbia, which is in South America. And why I like to tell the story is because the reason I got to go there is because I was participating in a group and there were four guys in me. And the opportunity came to all of us in the four guys basically all said no way I’m not going to met again. It’s too scary. And I was like, I’m gonna go. So I did. It was my favorite. I think it’s my favorite business trip ever. It’s they just treated me so well. And it was such a unique experience. And yeah, I loved it. I spoken at university there that is focused on business and seeing what they’re doing in education. It was just it was an amazing, amazing trip. So that’s something that I love to talk about.
Nick Glimsdahl 1:39
Yeah, that’s cool. So that so the lesson learned was just because it sounds scary. Or maybe it’s outside your comfort zone, maybe take that extra step. And
Jeannie Walters 1:49
yeah, yeah, that’s where the best stuff happens, right? Like when you go outside of that feeling of, Oh, I know what I’m doing. That’s when cool stuff happens.
Nick Glimsdahl 1:59
Very, very cool. So the main topic today that I want to talk about, and I love that you have a LinkedIn learning class on it is service blueprinting. And so before we get started, people might not know what that is, maybe explain what service blueprinting is. Sure. Yeah,
Jeannie Walters 2:19
a lot of people are familiar with customer journey mapping, which I’m also a big fan of. And journey mapping is a way to really explore what’s happening with your customers today that you might not know about service. blueprinting is kind of the the next natural step to that. So once you have identified what your ideal journey is, instead of just talking about, here’s how it should be service blueprinting takes you one step further to figure out what are the processes and the systems and the employee behaviors and actions that we need in order to deliver on this ideal customer journey. So instead of just that, what we call on stage or front stage view of what happens with the customer service, blueprinting goes a step further to the backstage activity, and, and helps everybody figure out, alright, if we want this to happen, what does that really mean, you know, what we have to do as an organization to make that actually happen?
Nick Glimsdahl 3:17
Yes, you get the ability to kind of pull back that curtain and take a peek back behind the where all the where all this stuff happens.
Jeannie Walters 3:24
That’s right. That’s right. And and now we live in a world that is so focused on technology, we have so many systems in place, we have to really think about this before we just go out and say, you know, hey, we’re gonna offer mobile ordering for everybody. And if we don’t think about that backstage stuff, then we can create more issues for customers instead of creating that ideal journey for them.
Nick Glimsdahl 3:47
Yeah, so instead of faking it, what are the goals of customer service? blueprinting
Jeannie Walters 3:54
instead of faking is that we said, That’s fun. Yeah.
Yeah, the goals are really figuring out before we execute this, what really needs to happen. And so you drill down under what’s called the line of interaction. So the customer might not have any clue, right? That I mean, take a very simple process, take something like if you take credit cards in a store, well to the customer, they just know, it goes through the Zippy thing, or they stick it in the box, and it gets approved. But of course, there’s a whole back end layer there that you need to make sure it’s working that, you know, it takes a minute to hit the processing to all those things. Now, as a customer experience professional, I don’t know how any of that really works. But I know that we have to account for it in our experience design, and that’s where service blueprinting can be so so effective. Because you look beyond that, that layer of interaction and figure out what are the actual things that need to happen on the backstage and sometimes that’s very simple. Sometimes that’s about you know, organizing. The the stockroom better, right? Like that can be a backstage action because then when when employees say let me go get that for you, they know where to find things. It can also be super complex and all about how to layer your different, you know, databases and how do you centralize customer information and all those things. Those are all backstage actions. And that’s what the goal of service blueprinting is, is to help everybody kind of think through those processes before you’re executing in front of the customer realizing, oh, I, I’m going to go get that for you in the stockroom. But I have no idea where that is. And it’s going to take me 15 minutes.
Nick Glimsdahl 5:38
All of those things. Yeah. And you might have the product, but you have no idea where it’s at. It could say in stock, you have three, four or five products, but you go back there and you’re you’re trying to pretend that you’ve searched for everywhere. And you know exactly where it should be. But that’s right. It’s the it’s the hot mess in the background. But yeah, the one thing that I will now start calling the machines are the little Zippy things.
Unknown Speaker 6:07
I also am a fan of do hickeys and widgets and doodads.
Nick Glimsdahl 6:13
I’ve learned so much already.
Jeannie Walters 6:15
You’re welcome.
Nick Glimsdahl 6:18
So if somebody would want to get started building a customer service blueprint, how would they go about getting started?
Jeannie Walters 6:25
Well, I always like to start with the customer. Right? So you start with how, you know, what is the ideal experience that we want to deliver. And you essentially map that out as the front stage actions. And then the way I think about it, it’s a little more organic, you can, you know, you mentioned I’ve got that course on LinkedIn learning where we go into great detail. But if you just want like to really think about service, blueprinting, and how to do it, think about literally one step at a time. So almost like you’re a geologist, you know, like you’re going from the top all and drilling down into what’s beneath the surface. So if you are mapping out a customer journey, usually there are some interaction points with either employees or technology, right? So if somebody is, let’s take grocery ordering, because we’re all doing that these days, so they might have to interact with that digital experience first. So what does that look like? And what’s behind the surface there? Well, then you’ve got all the processes and systems and everything that you have. What if they run into issues there? And they use the chat bot? Who is behind that? Is that AI? Is it an actual person? What does all that look like? Well, then they have to go to the grocery store and pick up their groceries? Well, somebody has to put those groceries together. So that’s an employee behavior that they don’t see. But then you come back, like if you think about the journey, then you come kind of back up to the surface, because somebody has to walk out of the store and give them their groceries. Well, how do they know which one is there? How do they know? How do they alert the store all of those questions. Those are the types of things that you drill into and think okay, now that the customer is going to tell us they’re here, how do we tell the customer How to do that? And then who’s answering that phone, right? Like all of these simple things that can throw a wrench in a customer experience? That’s what you really dig into with service? blueprinting?
Nick Glimsdahl 8:23
Yeah, and then there’s no ideal scenario. So in that scenario that you just talked about, what happens if you have three the wrong groceries Are you paid double, or you got instead of a quarter of a pound of meat, you got a 1.25 pounds that they charge you for but you still only got a quarter of a pound. So there’s all of these scenarios that it’s not just like, hey, do these 10 things, and it’s going to be amazing,
Jeannie Walters 8:48
right? Right. That’s a great point. And one of the things I was like to say whether it’s journey mapping or, or service blueprinting, or anything is think about your worst customer on their worst day. Because those people will actually enlighten you more than the people who we tend to design around, which are our ideal customers who love us. And I’ve been to so many organizations, and one of the things they all say to me, is no, no, no, we’re different. Our customers, they love us, and we love to kind of zero in on the customers who do love us. But if we think about those customers who are having a really bad day, and then exactly what you said, like like, what if the order is wrong? What if they’re overcharged, we have to figure out all of those pitfalls, and how we’re going to handle that. Because otherwise, that can be a mess unto itself, right? Somebody calls the store and then suddenly they’re talking to one manager and another manager and it’s it’s a mess. And so thinking through all of those things, it just it’s a thoughtful way to put customers first in my opinion.
Nick Glimsdahl 9:56
Yeah, and it doesn’t make the the effort that you You increase effort to hopefully decrease effort for the customer?
Jeannie Walters 10:04
That’s right. That’s exactly right. That’s a great way to say it.
Nick Glimsdahl 10:07
Yeah, um, you know, I think it’s we already touched on the front stage actions in the backstage actions. And you know, if there’s anything else you want to say about that, feel free. But, you know, one question I had based off of what you just said is, what’s the risk? And maybe you you’ve touched on a little bit, but what’s the risk of not putting that customer first and bringing them back into that customer service blueprint?
Jeannie Walters 10:31
Mm hmm. That’s a great question. And I think it’s one that we don’t often think about, we see in customer experience, in general is often talked about as a positive a nice thing to have. But we don’t often kind of flip the coin and look at the other side and say, What are the risks of not paying attention here? And the risks are pretty big. I mean, think about how, how many customers suddenly, in 2020, had to rely on brands in totally new ways, right? People who had never thought about ordering their groceries online, people who had never ordered shoes for their kids outside of a shoe store. But suddenly, they had to figure out how to measure their kids feet at home, you know, like all these weird things that were just accepted as status quo. Suddenly, in 2020, brands had to figure out how do we do this? How do we deliver in a totally different way. And I think if we don’t pay attention, if we don’t really think about what is this like for the customer, then we’re at risk of designing processes that we think are great, and that customers are, they might use it once and think this is not worth it. For me, I’m not putting in this effort again, especially when your competitor over here has something better. I think that we sometimes tell ourselves, lies or nice, you know, tall tales about our customers. And one of them is what I said that they always love us. And the other thing I hear a lot is people come up to me and they say no, our customers are so loyal. And it reminds me of, you know, I’ve heard everything from our customers are never going to use mobile phones, right? Like those aren’t our customers, or they, they’re never going to order online or any of these things. But people are loyal until they’re not. And the reason that it’s so dramatic like that is because you serve them to a point. But if you’re not keeping up with their actual needs, and if you’re not delivering in a way that is reducing their effort, and making it more convenient, and respecting their time, then they’re going to find someone who does. And that’s where I think the power of service blueprinting the power of journey mapping the power of just, let’s always think about our customer. I mean, that mindset, that is really, where we can deliver the best experience not just for our customers, but for our brand for our company. That’s where we get the results.
Nick Glimsdahl 13:06
Yeah, in when it comes to that. So let’s say that somebody has built out this customer service blueprint and has all the scenarios figured out or in theory, all the scenarios figured out. And what happens after that?
Jeannie Walters 13:21
Great question, and I’m so glad you brought it up, because the blueprint is not just like, you know, the the dream house blueprint that you just like frame on your wall, and you think someday? No, it’s a tool. And the whole idea is to think through, what do we need? What are the challenges? What are the limitations? I’ve seen blueprints where we look at them, and we think, oh, man, we have to train 30,000 employees to behave differently. That’s not going to happen overnight. And so what you need to do is come up with a plan for each of those action steps that you want to create. But the the other the honest truth around that is that sometimes that means, okay, we need a short term, mid term long term to get to that level of 30,000 employees or to roll out new technology or whatever it is. And we have to keep in mind that sometimes those limitations, we can’t we can’t overcome, right? And so what are the workarounds? What are the creative ways that we can adjust these back end processes, systems and behaviors so that we can still deliver a great customer experience? So the blueprint is really a tool to think through all of those things? And, you know, we have to include not only customers in the service blueprint, but employees, we have to make sure that the employees who are part of this really understand what the goal is. Because if we just come out and say, Hey, everybody, we need you to change all of your behavior that’s been working fine, right? Like, we’re going to give you new technology, we’re going to force you into new processes, and we’re going to ask you to behave differently and like it, that does not work. If we include employees in this process, they have wonderful ideas. And we won’t miss something super obvious. And one of the stories that I think is amazing is, you know, Walmart rolled out automatic payment, you know, with their app a few years ago. And it was working great. They did all these pilots with customers, they forgot to include cashiers in the process. So one of the first places that they piloted it, these customers would come up with their carts, and say, Well, I paid for all this. And the cashier had no way of knowing if they paid for it or not. And they had no way of checking. And so they quickly, you know, pivoted and included the cashiers and got tons of great ideas. It’s a great example of how easily something like that can happen, because you think you’ve checked all the boxes. And it’s such a simple thing. That of course, how would the cashiers know that and people were showing apps that they had never seen? So I think that’s what the power is here. It’s about avoiding those missteps. And it’s about including everybody in the process, so that you really get the best experience for not only the customers, but employees too.
Nick Glimsdahl 16:14
Yeah, it’s amazing to me that, inside that story, an organization the size of Walmart, can forget the cashier. You know, but I think like you said, include everyone. So it’s not just the cashier, but just like all of customer experience initiatives, you need to include the stakeholders to So how important is that to buy, get them to buy into that customer service blueprint move forward?
Jeannie Walters 16:41
Yeah, well, I found that blueprinting is a great way to really highlight this is why we need these resources. Because you can show two different blueprints, you can say, you know, what if we don’t upgrade our systems, or if we don’t hire more employees, or whatever the investment is that we need to make, these are all the steps that we have to go through. And I think, you know, I used to notice this in certain hospitality chains, I would go and as a patron of many hotels for just because I was traveling so much. There were certain hotel chains, where I was like, Oh, my gosh, I cannot believe they have not updated their technology. I mean, these poor frontline workers were using green screens, from like, 1988. And they had to go through all these hoops, just so that I could buy a granola bar from the little store. You know, like, there were, there were so many things like that, where I was like, I wonder what’s stopping them from just saying we need to do this. And I think that we sometimes don’t think about that type of experience as a customer experience, because I’m not supposed to see the green screen, right? Like, that’s not for me, the customer. But I can certainly see the employee struggle, I can certainly see that this is taking longer than it should all of these things. And so that’s another thing that service blueprinting can do it can get your leaders kind of on board with, you know what, yeah, we could make the employees jump through all these hoops. But it’s having an impact on the customer experience. And if we invested in a certain way, look at what we could do look at, you know how we could jump forward with our customer experience?
Nick Glimsdahl 18:23
Yeah, no. And I totally agree. You know, when it comes to customer service, too, it’s the same thing. It’s, you know, what’s the on average, it’s like, between 12 and 14 applications that call center representatives have to interact with conversation. And so they’re not really present. They are there. They are humming and hawing. They’re asking questions about the weather in Seattle. Right. But they’re not really there. They’re not present and actively listening to the conversation to have provide empathy, if needed, or guidance or asking that additional question to solve it the first time. And so there’s so many things you can do. Which customer service blueprint would help in that? Yeah, no.
Jeannie Walters 19:08
That’s a great point. And I think that the idea that we are, like, there’s so much research out there, right, that says Like, multitasking is impossible, your brain can’t do two things at once. And yet, we’re kind of forcing all these people into faking it. Like, no, you’ve got to, you’ve got to ask about the weather. You’ve got to hear about this. I mean, as customers we get trained them to figure out is this call going to work for me or not? And then you know, I’ve been this person where you think, okay, I’ll just call back, try another one. Try another one, try another one. And it’s not their fault. It’s exactly what you’re talking about. They have to dig through so many different processes and systems and sometimes don’t have access to the information that they need. And that’s what service blueprinting can really kind of pull back the curtain on to is what are we really asking Are people to do in order to deliver for the customer?
Nick Glimsdahl 20:04
Yeah, no. And so when it comes to getting started, and let’s say I’m brand new, and I’ve already done a journey map prior, what kind of supplies are needed or goodies to get started to building a customer service blueprint?
Jeannie Walters 20:20
Well, I mean, you can do it the old fashioned way, which is either a whiteboard or you know, paper or, or post its and that type of thing. And I like to literally just draw that line of interaction first. And that’s above that is where you interact with customers below that isn’t. I put employees systems processes as as different rows on it underneath that line. And then you just start kind of brainstorming very similar to a journey map situation, the only difference or not the only difference, but one of the big differences is if I’m running a journey mapping workshop, I’m constantly saying to everybody, like, it’s not marketing to the customer, like, we have to put it into the customers perspective all the time for journey mapping. So marketing doesn’t send anything actually, what happens is I the customer receives something, right? That’s the trick with service blueprinting. You start there with the customer? And then you say, okay, who sends that out is that marketing, and you put that on there. So it’s like, you’re you’re dealing with two different sides of the same coin. And so I like post it notes, and all those good things. And then, in today’s world, you know, we’re all virtual, you can do this virtually as well, you can. And I’ve also done this asynchronously. So meaning that instead of just doing this in a workshop, or with a meeting or that type of thing, you basically go around and investigate which, you know, that’s why I call my company experienced investigators, because so much of what we do, is figuring out how do I find this? Where do I find this? And you go to the people in charge? And you say, my understanding is, this is what happens with the process? Is that accurate? Tell me what happens when the when the customer returns something, you know, tell me what happens when we have somebody calling the store, tell me what happens. And once you figure all that out, that can really fill in that backstage information.
Nick Glimsdahl 22:24
I’m really intrigued by that, because how often are you going through these customer service blueprints? And you’re asking those diving questions, or the second third, peeling back that onion? And they look over to their associate and saying, Oh, I don’t know. And they’re like, Go ask go as Jeannie, she’s back there in the corner. She’s been there for 16 years. And she knows what happens next. Yeah, not documented?
Jeannie Walters 22:50
Yep. It’s one of my favorite parts, honestly. Because just like with so many other things we do, you know, I think about how I often start with executive teams and say, Okay, so what’s your customer experience mission? And you can like hear the crickets and the fidgeting. And then I’m like, Yes, we’re going to, we’re going to do really cool stuff here. Because we’re going to create this we’re going to dig in. And the same thing can happen with service blueprinting, where when I asked those questions, the there are two things that happen. One is they all Yeah, they all say like Fred is the guy, just go talk to Fred, especially sales departments. For some reason, everybody has that one guy who understands the system. And they just rely on him. But the other thing that can happen is that they they all know it’s bad form, right? Like they say, Oh, this system is awful. It’s a tear, oh, it’s terrible for the customer. We’ve hated this forever. And you start asking around and nobody knows why it’s like that. Nobody knows why. But nobody knows who can change it either. And so the blueprint allows you, it kind of empowers you to go up to leadership and say, Hey, you know, everybody hates the green screens that we use, right? Like, everybody hates them. We all agree it’s terrible for the customer. We don’t know who’s in charge, it tells me they’re not in charge. This group tells me they’re not in charge of changing it. We need to change, like just and it helps you kind of make your case. But you’re totally right. That part of it is exposing not only what we don’t know, but also the things we do know and we’re tolerating for no other reason, except it’s the way things have been done.
Nick Glimsdahl 24:35
Hmm. Yeah, it’s, it’s interesting. And I probably have another 20 questions on that, but that’s very different time but when it comes to customer service, blueprinting and I’m sure that there’s who’s who’s typically at the table there or on the one day or multiple day, session or workshop.
Jeannie Walters 25:00
Well, I mean, this is the classic answer. Right? But it depends. And part of it is, yes. And part of it is that the service blueprint is usually a little more magnified than like a full on customer journey map. Because you’re looking at one area to really dig into and figure out how do we deliver this. So if if, you know, there’s the example that I use in the LinkedIn course, that you mentioned, is about a jewelry store and trying to figure out how to do how to have people be able to order online and then pick it up. And that’s such a specific thing that’s not about every single customer that walks into the store. That’s about a specific group. So you have to kind of think of who’s involved there. Well, technology is involved there. But also, the people who work in the store are involved there, the parking lot is involved, because we have to think about, where are these people going to park? Do we make a special place for them all those things. So that’s how I like to think about it is kind of brainstorm on who should be there. Because if we’re focused on solving a specific issue, or improving a specific part of the journey, then you start really thinking about who needs to be there. And then I also like to expand that a little bit, because I found that sometimes we get into this, and we think, Oh, you know what, what happens right before, this is also really important, or what happens right after this. So I tend to blur the edges a little bit with who’s in the room, because I think that sometimes they can add a lot of valuable contributions, instead of trying to track those people down, you know, but it’s, it, it’s really about the leadership who can make the changes, and the people who are already involved who can inform your decisions. So that’s, that’s why the cashiers example is such a good one, because they probably had all the leadership, they needed to make those changes. But the cashiers are the ones who really are on the ground and understand the experience more. And so you need to, you need to make sure both those groups are really represented.
Nick Glimsdahl 27:11
And I’m sure that inside that workshop, there are different business units or organizations, where they come in at different senior level or entry level. And they’re like, why am I here? Like, why does this really matter? You know, I got a plenty of other stuff to do. So how do you set clear expectations when people are there?
Jeannie Walters 27:33
That’s a great question, too. The, the first thing I do is I like to participate in the invitation process. And what I mean by that is, sometimes I’m working with the chief customer officer or a VP of Marketing, or somebody directly one on one. And we decide to do this together. And then they say, well, I’ll just, I’ll just tell everybody to be there. And I like to invite people into the process. And sometimes the way I do that is actually through interviews. So I start with interviews. And I reach out and I say, you know, we’re working on this, I want to know what you want to get out of this, I want to know what would help you the most. And once we have that, that helps everybody feel a little more engaged in the process. And then every workshop I do, no matter what it is journey mapping, or the CX mission stuff or anything. I also think it’s really important in those workshops to explain, like, you are not there, because people did anything wrong. You’re not there to place blame on different departments, you’re there, because you’re all invested in doing what’s right for the customer. And how amazing is that? Right? Like? How, how often in corporate America, or wherever we work? Do we get an opportunity to really collaborate for one goal like that. And so I stress that, and that really helps everybody kind of realize that this isn’t about the one department or the one person this is about something bigger?
Nick Glimsdahl 28:59
Yeah, it’s a big deal that they’re at the table. And it’s a huge responsibility. So be purposeful, and take the time. And don’t don’t check your phone or social media or everything else. Like almost do I don’t remember what what company does it but were they at every board room, they make sure they have a lockbox outside the room and they they have it Yeah, everybody put it away, and it’s on mute or whatever. But yeah, um, take that time and invest in it because your customers are investing in you.
Jeannie Walters 29:31
That’s right. That’s right. That’s a great way to say it.
Nick Glimsdahl 29:33
Yeah. So you know, I wrap up every and I could talk about this for another hour and a half, but people will stop listening. So we’ll have to not do that. But I wrap up every podcast with two questions to the guest. And so the first question is, is what book or person has influenced you the most in the past year. And then the second one is if you could leave a note to all the customer service or customer experience professionals, and it would hit everybody’s desk at am on Monday, what would it say?
Jeannie Walters 30:03
Well, the first question about inspiration there, I always feel like oh my gosh, there are so many right. I’ve really been influenced this last year, specifically by Bernie brown and her writing. And I’ve, I’ve read her for a while, but this year I, I’ve been listening to her audiobooks a little bit. And one of the things I really appreciate that she says that I think is very valuable in the work we do, is this idea of Rumble, you know, she talks about, you sometimes need to rumble with one another, meaning that it’s respectful. But some form of conflict sometimes is good, where you, you stand up and you say, I’m having an issue with this, or I think I believe this or whatever. And I think that sometimes in customer experience work, we don’t have an opportunity to really allow everybody at the table to feel like they can rumble and I think there’s, there’s something to that that is really important. And so that’s been inspiring to me. And then the note about, you know, to everybody in this field, I think, I think that we have to remember that customers are people with families and with jobs, and with contributions to the world. And our work, helps them bring those contributions forward. And that’s pretty amazing. And we can’t ever lose sight of that.
Nick Glimsdahl 31:33
It’s a very good reminder. Very cool, what’s the best way for people want to learn more, maybe listen to your LinkedIn learning course, or get a hold of you to do a deeper dive on customer service? blueprinting, or just want to chat with you? What’s the best way to get a hold? Yeah,
Jeannie Walters 31:51
sure. Yeah, well, our website is experienced investigators calm. And there are tons of resources there. We have some downloadables. We have blogs, I have, I do a weekly webinar now on LinkedIn. And we have all sorts of things. And then if you, if you reach out to me, there’s way I can give you 30 days free on LinkedIn learning. And so that’s a good way if you don’t have a membership to check those things out. Because all the courses are short. So you can you can knock them out in 30 days.
Nick Glimsdahl 32:20
Yeah. And they’re, they’re digestible. meaning they’re not just something that you have to do, but it’s a choice in the continued education. with LinkedIn learning, I think they do a great, great job and yours is no exception. So thank you. Thank you so much for taking the time and joining. Joining me as a guest. It’s been an honor and I really enjoyed learning more about customer service. blueprinting.
Jeannie Walters 32:46
Thank you so much. It was a thrill to be here.
The Press 1 For Nick podcast is both educational and engaging, and each episode offers listeners a dynamic blend of insightful stories, best practices, and invaluable lessons.
Nickโs guests – each with a unique wealth of knowledge – include leaders from a variety of backgrounds and industries. Some of his guests include:
Customer service & customer experience leaders
- A hostage negotiator
- Award-winning authors
- Home Depotโs Senior Director of Customer Care
- Former VP of Disneyโs Magic Kingdom
- Lyftโs Head of Partner and Customer Engagement
- Deputy Chief Veteran Experience Officer from the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs
On every episode Nick asks his guest two questions:
- What book or person has influenced you the most in the past year?
- If you could leave a note to all the Customer Service and CX professionals, what would it say?
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